Paradise Earth;An interesting Question for JWs

by badboy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    Obviously, we will be 'restored' to our original silicon-based condition instead of the current carbon-based lifeforms everything is that needs corrosive oxygen to survive.


    Hey, a Horta! I wonder if we'll start tunneling through rock <G> (Sorry, Star Trek humor)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    In the New Order (which will be here any day now) there will be NO radicals of any kind.

    Everything will be mediocre.

  • SYN

    Yeah, and apparently there won't be any shagging either! Don't know about you guys, but I'd shoot myself first instead of spending an eternity without THAT!

  • Xander

    Oh, SYN, silly!

    Don't you know? We'll be made to be 'as the angels' - not having sexual desires. I mean, we KNOW no angels were ever seduced by the daughters of man, now where they? Couldn't be, after all - no sexual desire, just like the society teaches.


    Hmmmm...angels WERE seduced by 'daughters of man' so they obviously DO have sexual desires....{checks scripture again}....huh, the bible doesn't say anything about angels not having SEX - just not 'being married nor given in marriage'.

    So, hey, how about that! THAT'S what the new system is about! Being 'just like the angels'!! Acting on sexual desires without needing marriage first!!! HURRAY FOR NEW LIGHT!!!!

  • JosephMalik

    Well badboy,

    I do not know how this would work chemically but the biblical promise is for each human being to be immortal. This will occur when Christ returns and they are either resurrected or changed. In effect this implies that some means to counter such chemical process will take place in these immortal human bodies.


  • Valis

    I posted these a long time ago, but the seemed appropriate. Will they have better dope in paradise?


    District Overbeer

  • Mary

    Silly boy, what a question! What will happen, is that in the New Order, all Witnesses, one by one will be "changed" until they become "The Stepford Witnesses". Everyone will be happy, the men will either pet lions or build a new Kingdom Hall (future name: The Association) each and every day, while the women all pick fruits and veggies, smile at each other and never have to worry about PMS again!

    And golly gee, if you don't believe me, just take a look in any publication by the WTB&TS!!!

  • blacksheep

    Yep. Don't get to far down into the details, 'cuase it get's mind boggling. I got in trouble as a kid asking some questions that seemed quite logical to me. Like:

    1. If no one dies, then eventually the earth will be filled. That must mean no more children. What will a world with no more children be like?? Answer: Not for you to worry about.

    2. If "death is no more", what about animals? (I had several pets whom I adored as a child. Obviously, if "death" were unnatural, then they shouldn't die either, right?) Answer: wrong. "Animals WILL die, but humans won't." But, wait (again, I'm just a little kid). If there's no more crying, then I KNOW I'd cry when FIFI, why would ANIMALS have to age, if it's not natural...

    Answer: Go to bed. You're worried about the wrong things.

    3. Question: is it really fair to give greatgrandpa and great grandma a chance to "accept the truth" when they've actrually come BACK FROM THE DEAD and can see that it IS the truth, while we only give Aunt Sally and Uncle Dan (non-witnesses) ONE chance to "heed the truth." They haven't died, there's lots of religions to choose from now, to believe JWs are right is basically a GREAT LEAP of faith, really. So is it fair that they'd be killed forever at Armageddon for not "accepting the truth" , while others-- who've even lived pretty bad lives-- can come back from the dead, actually grow YOUNGER, and get the chance to say "I believe?"

    No good answer to that one. It was clear I was being annoying.

  • thewiz

    since meat is out that cuts out a lot of free-radical creation.

    i thought aging came about by the shortening of chromosomes, eventually the cells die because over a life time each subsequent creation (over time) of the cells there is chromasomal damage (shortening). If the don't shorten, they don't die, which is essentailly what cancer does.

    If a way could be made or developed to control that replication of the cells not to turn cancerous and therefore life threatening, you would have immortality.

  • badboy


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