We need a little controversy !

by lucidentity 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    FRANCOIS: "God don't do nuthin' but roll around heaven all day and get blow jobs from seraphim. In fact, that's what "seraphim" means: sera means teeth in Spanish, and phim means sticky dicky in heaven talk, hence sticky dicky between the teeth"
    At least Francois is HONEST!

    "Honest"....ooohhhhh THAT's the word for some of his writings - I knew it wasn't "Class".

  • SYN

    Double Edge: It was a JOKE and should not be taken seriously! Besides, it's only offensive if you believe in that particular god! Francois was pointing out the fact that angels and demonz and god are all hopelessly anthromorphisized (is that the right word?) by the writers of the Bible and virtually all who follow it's teachings too, and that this is silly.

  • MrMoe

    Ok, why is Gravedancer no longer active? I don't get it... Anyhow...

    Lucid, you are a freak, a troll...

    As far as worship and respect to Gods, I will quote myself -- LOL -- on a post I just made on another thread...

    "As Spice and I were discussing earlier, the Governing Body is in fact brainwashed with thier own beliefs and part of the cult machine itself. It is my assumtion that they are blinded by the very things they teach, and they feel that what they teach is directed by thier God of War. I will never disrespect the name of Jehovah, as I would never disrespect the name of any God or Goddess, but I WILL turn my back upon those foundations and personalities with a lust for power, wallowing in thier own greed and hatred for those that do not share thier same set of ideals."

    Please note, Jehovah is both -- the God of both Love AND War.... Interesting, yes? I find it to be VERY interesting, although I mean no disrespect.

    Gravedancer had a good point, God is always with a "capital" G, is it not? Unless of course he or she is a lesser god or goddess, like a rock star or something...

    But there are issues here that show me the Tower and their elders are NOT governed by a "god," if watched over by a God at all... Take child molestation into account, and how these freaks can walk free if it is only the child who is the witness to the crimes committed on thier little innocent bodies, something I have known of FIRST hand... where a little girl of 5 years of age had medical damage done to her reproductive organs and the MOTHER was DF'd for slander and the father/rapist still is in good standing...

    Defend the Tower all you want, you have the right to your personal beleifs, just don't plan on me or anybody here on the board to back you up or finding any ounce of support. This is something you are aware of, which leads me to ALSO assume that you are here to stir up trouble, which makes you what we like to call a troll. I hope you sleep well at night, because if I were you I would not. To defend something is to believe it and to believe it is to be part of it... you my dear are part of the machine, you my dear feed their greed and you my dear need to open your eyes and heart a great deal.


    Moe/Amanda -- who is AGAIN posting non-fluff -- wow two rare occurances in one day... better watch the skies, you may see purple piggies flying...

    Edited by - MrMoe on 12 July 2002 0:37:7

  • bad_associashun

    I don't understand your judgemental attitude ('puny little brains?), however it would be a wise move to step outside the org bubble and off the society's pedestal & examine your own beliefs sans the wts view & publications.

  • MrMoe

    Since Gravedancer has been kicked off the board (and I love him to bits and peices) --

    I say lucid gets the big BOOT, the guy is a freak and a trouble maker and accoring to Simon's new poilicy will not be tolerated, CORRECT???????

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