Disfellowshipping Image

by naazira 150 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stirred

    I see all the angles mentioned. I also can read into the oicture that the humble book bag was like here spiritual comfort bag and visual cue that she isn't all bad....she will be trying. She styed for the whole meeting so she has strong character....and obviously needs a dose of humble pie.

    she now loses the girl club....the intimacy of friendship, love and support. Is that a family member hugging the other female? Her mother or sister? Best friend? Notice no one feels bad or any sign of empathy to her. She made her bed and can wallow in it. Everyone turn your back and act fabulous and talk about where you'll meet up after meeting for dinner. Ignore the bad girl.

    Still...... I still wonder...

    If she did commit a serious sin....you can still show bad for the circumstances being what they are, act civility and with respect. At some point we all have to get over it and show encouragement.

  • OrphanCrow

    I think the use of color, and the lack of color, in this image is meant to provoke the idea that the ones who leave have a sense of nostalgia about that wonderful place they left behind.

    The woman is in color - which places her in the present. And the rest of the image is in neutral grey tone, which evokes the sense of it being in the past. The KH image, in its muted grey tones, not even any black, is meant to represent the blue lady's memory, her past she left behind.

    The little girl on the chair is her - the blue lady as a child. Surrounded by loving family members...inside a Kingdom Hall.

    The WT wants the JWs who are still in to believe that those who have left, like the blue lady, look back and miss that idyllic memory.

    This is a strong image. The WT uses visual language in a very calculated way.

    *pssst...Lol! I am surprised nobody has noticed the demon yet! ;)

  • Closer to Fine
    Closer to Fine

    If this type of treatment is expected I would not have been a good jw. I would have gone home and called her to see if she was ok. Then I would have most likely been df'd for associating with her.

    I can't be friends with someone and then in the blink of an eye treat them like they don't exist. That is not normal behavior and there is nothing loving about it!

  • sparrowdown
    Sorry if someone else has already commented on this but are the disfellowshipped more often than not depicted as young women?
  • OrphanCrow

    A couple more ways that reveal that the neutral part of the image is meant to be a memory.

    Some posters have mentioned the dowdiness of the female dresses in the KH. That is a visual clue that it is 'old-fashioned', in the past.

    The little girl has the same outfit as the woman seated beside her. I remember years ago when it was common to dress the generations alike. What that visual device does, though, is evoke an emotional response based upon that similarity of pattern - it bonds the little girl to the other woman.

    And that is what this image is meant to do. It has be designed and carefully planned in such a way that almost each and every viewer can find themselves in that image. And each of us will react in a personal, emotional way. We will all react differently, but for the JWs still in, I think the WTS wants them to feel sad.

    The WTS doesn't want the JWs to think of the life that the ones they have rejected are leading now, they want them to feel sad and pitying for the 'good' life they left behind.

    It is misplaced pity.

  • OrphanCrow
    Sparrowdown: Sorry if someone else has already commented on this but are the disfellowshipped more often than not depicted as young women?

    Good observation, Sparrow.

    If the intention of the WTS image is to provoke sadness and pity, the woman is the ideal figure to use. Who more pitiful than a fallen JW woman? Who more sinful in nature than the woman?

    And what a great loss for the men left behind...a woman. So sad for those JW men have been deprived of property - such loss for the men. A young attractive one, too. Marriageable age and good for breeding.

    Sad, isn't it?

  • sparrowdown

    The patriarchal culture of the kingdom hall seems the perfect environment to perpetuate the idea that women are either temptress or saint. I remember the dvd for young ones entitled How Can I Make Real Friends drawing from the bible account of Dinah. The dvd depicted a young sister in high school who accepted a ride home from a "nice" worldy boy that sexually assaulted her and the WT's "moral" to the story was she put herself in that position, she brought it on herself. Yep, sad indeed.

  • done4good

    Millie210 - what was in the '07 KM?

    I am sure I can find it here later, (at work now), but in short this was the first time I remember reading an article that flatly stated, (and I'm paraphrasing), "Don't read anything, don't research anything, just listen to us and shut up...."

    My never have been a JW wife paraphrased the article as such, after I asked her to read it and tell me what she thought its message was. Very telling.


  • done4good

    Good analysis of Sept. '07 KM from former poster Leolaia:


    It reads somewhat benign today. That in itself speaks to how off the rails the message from the WT currently is. The tone and content are common coin today in WT land. That was not so in 2007.


  • dugout

    I wont be attending this meeting. I have a sister that's disffellowed shipped and the elders cant see that she is mentally challenged and she diabled been in that state for 20yrs. Nobodys really trying to help. This is a sick presentation that should be taken out of a fiction movie disscusting

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