Erica's Baby

by sunstarr 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wendy


    Yes, I was thinking of packing it away myself lol. He just laughs when I tell him not to bite. And of course that gets me laughing so now he thinks it is a big joke. Wait till those suckers come out some more, I will be the only one not laughing. The Dr. just patted me on the back and said, "Bless your heart" it appears he is to young to have teeth, nobody has told him though, little devil


  • Erica

    Thank you Sunstar for starting the thread.

    Well thats my little man. God I love him to death.

    Wendy WOW my little guy is barly teething and he's 2 weeks older then your little one.

    He was born 3-03-02, he is three in a half months in that pic. Oh and his name is Michael Ruben.

    Well it's nap time for him and break time for me I'll check in later.

  • Matty

    He's an absolute little darling! Thank you for keeping us up to date with how you are and stuff. Because dateline was shown in Europe for the first time yesterday, there's a whole lot more people in the world that now know what you've been through.

    You deserve all the happiness in the world Erica!

    Keep in touch.

    Edited by - matty on 7 July 2002 18:27:10

  • Wendy


    Thomas William Riley is starting to stir, so my online time is over We call him Riley or the affectionate nick Bugger lol As for his teeth, GRRRR this kid is way ahead of the game on just about everything, he is even sitting upright on his own. I swear I did not take steroids either. And "Ma" is a word he has already learned and uses. Of course I did speak it about 200 times a day I am working part time but moving back up to full time in 2 weeks, man I am going to miss him, and handing him over to someone else? Ohhh I don't know if I can do that. Now I have the advantage of Daddy taking care of him when I work.

    Enjoy the silence


  • raven101

    Erica, congratulations!! He's absolutely adorable! And smart too, he already knows good basketball!


  • Erica

    Thats right my little man sat through every game completly into it, and when we all were screaming he would imitate us, ahh, good times. He will be a fanatic sports fan, just like his mama.

    Cowboys, Kings and NY Yankee fan, only the best for him.

    Wendy, 2 weeks ago he said "Mama" and now only says it when he is mad

    I had no idea they showed Dateline in a diffrent country, I am so excited. I got a phone call from a Seattle News station where they do real life storys and I think I will be going out there to do an interview and Newsweek did a photo shoot last week and the article will be out in a week or two, it's suppose to be a pretty big article, oh and i was going through this weeks Newsweek and there was a comment by a witness sister who said something like she appreciated the small article and that she has been a witness for 30 years and that it needs to be known whats going on, something along that line, so the message is being heard and it's not the last of it. When I find out when it is coming out I will let you all know.

    I am not on the computer much between work and the baby theres not much time left and I am exhausted but I will try to make time.

    Love you all, Erica

  • Perry

    An absolutely astounding picture of a beautiful baby Erica.

    I wish you all the joy of motherhood,


  • Simon

    awe ... he's lovely. I may have to delete ythis topic though 'cause I don't want Angharad getting broody.

    (just kidding ... it's me that's the "awe look, aren't babies cute ... let's have another" one )

    Yes, we get Dateline too (but a bit later) but to make things fair though we're going to get BBC Panorama first (but we'll make sure everyone else get's to see it ASAP).

    Congrats again on your little fella Erica

  • Sunspot

    "Well thats my little man. God I love him to death."

    Dear Erica,

    Your "little man" is totally adorable! The "Moms" reading this can certainly relate to how you "love him to death!" It's a special deep-down emotion that is hard to put into words, huh?

    You are obviously very proud of and devoted to this new little person in your life........and I am so happy for you!

    I am also very proud of you, for all that you've been through and for the beautiful young lady you are. You're quite a special gal and have touched our hearts with your inner strength and your courage.

    May you now enjoy a life filled with well-deserved peace and happiness........

    Hugs to you and baby Michael,


  • TheStar

    What a sweet little one you have Erica.

    Thank you for taking the time to post, I can only imagine how busy he keeps you.

    The Newsweek info. is wonderful news, thanks for letting us know. I can't wait until it's out in news stands!

    Take Care Erica, nice to hear from you.



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