Been gone...but i'm back!

by nativenyr23 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • nativenyr23

    Hey all. Been gone for a while.....have had a really bad month. Separating from laid off from at home broke down!!!! ugh....borrowing a friends laptop so now i'm RECONNECTED! Missed a lot i see from reading the threads.....missed you guys. Glad to be back!

  • Dutchie

    Welcome back, Nat.

    Life's a bummer sometimes, huh?

  • DakotaRed

    I can relate to this. Luckily, I have only been going through it this week. I am in the middle of redoing my computer right now. Took a break from reloading tons of programs to check out the board.

    Of course, all know about my pending divorce from the JW wife. At work, the other guy that does the same heavy line work as me quit Monday morning, moving on to greener pastures. Only problem is, they scheduled work for us both and I am expected to do it all, so I have been doing 10 and 12 hour days.

    On the 4th, my day was spent trying to get the computer working right. It has been intermittent and the keyboard went south. Today, I replaced the hard drive and it seems to be better.

    So, hang in there, Nat, it does get better. Like I have always heard, when life throws you lemons, make lemonade.For me, I just think about a real cute lady here.

    Lew W

  • Dutchie

    Gee that's strange Dakota, 'cause I've been think of a real cute guy here! Isn't that funny how we both have practically the same thoughts! Go figure.

    Anyway, I'm glad that you're computer is working again.

    12 hour days? My gosh, you must be so tired. Go get some rest!

  • DakotaRed

    <wink, wink> Betcha the one I think of is a lot cuter than the one you think of.

  • Gopher


    SO glad you're back here where you belong. We're like a cult that you can't escape, LOL! I wish you nothing but the best -- I know life is full of hard decisions, but once we get them in the past, the road gets better... See you out here & in chat!!


  • COMF

    Sorry things are going so sour for you, ny. Here's my wish that it all comes together quickly and you're back on top of things. Glad to have you posting again!

  • nativenyr23

    thanks for the welcome back, guys. It feels good being back. Missed you all terribly!

    COMF: Remember our Apostofest? Things were already rocky w/hubbo they're caput! In anycase, we need another get together soon!

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