Follow up on KJV

by gravedancer 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • JanH


    I am sorry to say it, but you make no sense whatsoever. Your arguments are as confusing and illogical as your typography. You seem totally obsessed with this.

    I have known KJV/Milky for years, since he posted on H2O. Farkel, who you have every reason to trust, knows him personally. Does that mean nothing to you?

    If you find the writing styles of KJV and Wholewheat at all similar, you are simply entirely clueless. Neither punctuation, choice of words nor topcs are at all similar. And two people posting in the same time zone when they are in the same house? Now that is a big surprise!

    My advice: Get some rest. Draw some fresh air. Relax. And forget this stupidity.

    - Jan

  • dungbeetle

    JanH, that is probably the very very saddest thing of all and the reason, one reason anyway, that I didn't post this in the first place.

    wholewheat/KJV/goodgirl/milky takk that trust that AlanF, you, Amazing, and evry other person from H20 have earned from him,

    and threw it out the window. Your trust and respect for him didn't mean as much to him as this stupid little game that he STUDPIDLY tried to play...but Naeblis, mimilly, and SIMON were smarter than he is.

    I am very very sorry for all of you, I really am. You guys deserve much much better, and I especially found this 'person's' crack about AlanF COMPLETELY out of line.

    Sad sad sad. The sooner this is allowed to die, the better.

  • wholewheat


    Stop talking shit and and call me. I will be home in three hours at 1-760-947-9704. You will find that I am a very nice apostate who is honest and is trying to make amends. One word of encouragement, you need a new moniker!! Call me Jones!!!

  • Xena

    Just make sure you have someone on YOUR end of the phone call to hear what is said dung....

  • Angharad
    The discussions I have had with ex jws who post here are frightened to publicly state opinions lest they be trampled. Much like your wife feels at times

    This is not the reason I do not post much - I am just not very out going online or in real life, and I find it difficult to express myself - part of the JW upbringing I suppose. My lack of posting has nothing to do with the board or anyones idea of how things may or may not be.

  • Wendy

    I am sorry Ang to put those words in your mouth. I remembered reading it several times here though, mostly Simon saying it. In fact even though you don't say that outright, you agreed with Ana when she posted about this subject:

    Again, I am sorry if I misunderstood what you were trying to say.


  • Simon

    I do not understand what your point is Wendy.

    Are you trying to proove Angharad lied or something? She says she does not always feel confident posting. She is quite a quiet, timid person online and offline. Why do you need to question this and want to challenge her on it (bringing up old threads?!?!)

  • Wendy

    I meant exactly what I said Simon. I did not mean to put words in her mouth. The thread I posted was her agreeing with the original poster. I said I was sorry I misunderstood her.


  • 144001

    Yawns . . . and cracks open another beer. I wonder if the Lakers will 4 peat?

  • kelsey007

    I thought the post was talking about Tim's board-(beyond jws) They like their "do you swallow" threads. Sensative to disagreement but not to the plight of the ex-jw- or so it seems....

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