The Religion Of Rejection - And Now That Includes Me

by dubstepped 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Welcome Dubstepped !! It never ceases to amaze me how so many on this site have stories that could be my own . It is a constant reminder none of us are alone in this struggle . For so many years we ,myself included,learned along the way to accept the rejection mindset established so well with in this religion.

    Isn't it invigorating to finally say "ENOUGH !" ,and start actually listening to our inner pleadings for normalcy .

    I have an older brother that was considered disassociated at 18 yrs of age . We were expected to reject him the rest of his life . This was the catalist for me to finally question everything . By the time 30 yrs had past , I could no longer wrap my head around the idea that he was still some kind of spiritual threat to anyone.The logic that if we shun him long enough he will come crawling back for our family association (as the experience at this summer convention states ) was not coming true.....So Why continue doing it ? He was married had a great family and was doing well in life . I too went to him to make ammends and to apologize for the yrs of rejection. Now because of my stand ,my other JW brother has decided to reject /shun the both of us .The craziness just never ends .

    Best wishes and welcome to the journey !

  • clarity

    Dubstepped ...... a warm welcome to you and your family. I hope they have opened their eyes too, you all deserve to be accepted & loved.

    Fantastic post ......never looked at this 'religion' under a microscope like you have done.... bravo and many thanks for the reveal. It is SICK for sure. I don't follow the bible now but the scripture comes to mind ....."get out of her my people"!!!!!

    I think what you have written is a classic.......... a keeper for sure! You might think further about how powerful your words would be to those still trapped in this cult and need to see this reality.

    Looking forward to your fellowship on here ....wishing you a peaceful mind and warm happiness in your dear heart.


  • Vidiot

    dubstepped - "...They took and took and took from me and gave me very little..."

    You Listened and Obeyed, but the list of ways you were Blessed is very short.

    I can relate somewhat.

    Awesome username, BTW.

  • done4good

    Good read, dubstepped. I appreciate your thoughts, and can relate. In my case family mattered little, but a few key friends I lost, (one recently), hurt very much. I deal with that pain daily.

    Rejection sucks for sure. But I agree that it is the nature of the organization. On a further thought, I believe it is why most JWs don't feel the loss caused by their shunning. They are institutionalized to become used to dealing with rejecting everything, to the point of dehumanization. They live a life of loss.

    For that be thankful you are not one of them anymore.


  • StrongHaiku

    Congratulations, Dubstepped. Welcome to reality.

    You have already been provided with great advice from other posters. The following is what I wish I could have said to myself when I walked out:

    "The next few years will be scary and exhilarating. There will be LOTS of things you will learn but, more importantly, unlearn. Soak up all of the knowledge, freedom, and experiences you have been denied for years. Take every opportunity to educate yourself on everything from critical thinking to science to politics to religions and myths to social sciences and on, and on... For the past few years you have not been thinking for yourself but instead blindly following orders. You will not only need to learn facts but learn the skills to think critically to evaluate them properly.

    QUESTION EVERYTHING! When you were in you were absolutely convinced you were right on just about everything. You may find that you are wrong on just about everything you believed and still believe.

    Stop believing that the Organization (or JW family) have the "moral high-ground". That is purely an illusion. You will find better people and friends just about everywhere else.

    And, don't be afraid. You will never be alone."

  • cultBgone
    Awesome post, Dubstepped, such a clear look at the reality of Growing Up Dub. Very happy to know that you and Mrs. Dubstepped have been able to make your way Out, and I'm sure your brother is so very happy to have you back in his life. Best wishes to you all.
  • possum

    My husband and I have left ( no sex, drugs and rock and roll) we spoke up against the two witness rule. Welcome to the real world where you can meet nice people at book clubs, community organizations that actually do good for other people! Because your a nice human being and don't have to count time! Having been invited to a satanic ritual yet! So true that not so loving organisation is very petty and hierarchical. From the little clicky witnessing groups to social gatherings that are so soulless....................Don't get bitter get better!!! Best revenge is to live well and a bit of therapy doesn't hurt either

  • fleshyheadedmutant


    As time goes by, you will become happier and less concerned with JWs and their rejection. Focus on doing fun things with your wife and brother and his family. Do not waste one more minute on the past that you can do nothing about-start making goals for an interesting future.

  • Israel Ricky Gonzales
    Israel Ricky Gonzales

    It could be worse. Your wife could still be indoctrinated and no family to talk to.

    I often feel like an orphan on an island. All of my family have rejected me. I am the only one to ever have been "punished" by Jehovah. Many of my in-laws are JW, and even the non-JWs have rejected me. No family. No friends. And a JW wife that is barely hanging on. All I have are my 2 kids, 8 and 6 years old, who are barely getting the grasp of disfellowshipping.

    Instead of wallowing in pain and hurt, it has hardened and toughened me up. It's made one tough SOB and I'm not going to let that cult get the best of me.

    sorry for my rant. Didn't mean to derail it. I enjoyed your post dubstepped.

  • Lostwun

    Bravo Dubstepped!

    On so many levels your post resonated with me. having a disfellowshipped sibling i used to shun him thinking i was being oh so loving, but little did i know all the emotional trauma he went through especially being df'd at an early age and having everything that he ever knew ripped away from him... We have just started reconnecting now that im fading and i hate the way i used to treat him and all the years wasted that I could have spent getting to know him better. only now can i truly understand how damaging this cult is to families and on peoples mental health. I applaud you on so many levels breaking free of the bonds and sharing your experiences.

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