I saw some witnesses today...

by Garrett 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Garrett

    ...And what were they doing? Gossiping. Yep, that's right!

    So, I'm sitting outside a building, waiting for my martial arts class to begin when two sisters walk down the road leading to the building. You should of heard them, they were deep in conversation speaking about a supposed anointed brother who had done something wrong.

    So, I'm sitting there, waiting for them to approach me. After all, I'm sitting on some steps, alone, in the morning. That was the perfect opportunity for them to talk to me. Well, turns out they didn't want to have an interesting conversation seeing how they decided to walk right past me without even as much as a hello.

    I was saddened... I was so happy that I could finally talk to a witness that I didn't know about a topic that would make them squirm in their skin... ah well, maybe next time.

    On a happier note, I haven't been around in a while due to life (you know how that goes) but hope all of you lovely folk are doing well!




    I saw some witnesses today...

    ...............Image result for Monkey with watchtower magazine

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    If you really want to talk to JWs there's nothing stopping you from approaching them.

    Hope you enjoyed your martial arts class.



  • talesin

    Well, when people have no life of their own, they will tend to gossip about others. It's so sad, hey? They have NO inner llife.



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Grandpa wondered the same thing.

    He was standing in his front yard and they walked right on by. Might have been back call day and he wasn't on their list. Or he wasn't a door to knock on.

    He was always ready to chat . . .

    Hi Rip!


  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    This is very disappointing I must say. Here we are loaded for bear, ready

    to talk to any JW and they will not say a hello. The nerve of these people.

    What do we have to do to get their attention, throw a Bible upside their head.

  • NeverKnew

    I was in a grocery store the other evening when, it seems, the KH around the corner let out. Thursday night and men with suits and women with dresses in every aisle. I struck up a conversation with THREE of them! Do you think ONE would attempt to save my soul? NO!

    I mean... I have no tattoos... no funny colored hair... Could it have been my yoga pants and long T-Shirt?

    NOT ONE...

    Garrett, I too want them to speak to me about "spiritual things", but alas... we get to talk about how great the peaches smell.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Hi CoCo🌞

    See you soon🐸

  • joe134cd
    Honestly when I was out witnessing the less people I spoke to the better.
  • punkofnice

    They're just people, at the end of the day. But it depends on which head they're wering as to how they treat you.

    Authentic persona or cult persona?

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