Chinese Proverbs

by Prisca 0 Replies latest social humour

  • Prisca

    Chinese Proverbs

    1. Man who run in front of car get tired.

    2. Man who run behind car get exhausted.

    3. Man with one chopstick go hungry.

    4. Man who scratch ass should not bite fingernails.

    5. Man who eat many prunes get good run for money.

    6. Baseball is wrong; man with four balls cannot walk.

    7. War does not determine who is right; war determine who is left.

    8. Wife who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cat house.

    9. Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night.

    10. Man who drive like hell bound to get there.

    11. Man who stand on toilet is high on pot.

    12. Man who live in glass house should change clothes in basement.

    (there were more, but I decided to censor them)

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