casslines surgery status - updated 30 Jun

by Cassiline 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cassiline


    To those of you who I spoke to while in hospital, Please frogive me if I dont remember speaking to you are what I said!!!! Its all still very cloudy. So if I told you anything like I sent you a check for a million dollars and you havent recieved it yet Dont count on it!!!LOL

  • Matty

    Wow Cami, it's great that you're back. I must admit you got us worried back there. So I don't get my million bucks then? Damn!

    Thank hubby for keeping us up to date, he must be so proud of you!

  • Wendy


    I have thinking of you So glad to see ya! And I DID get the check for 1 million, should I not deposit? lol


  • Cassiline

    {{{{{{{{ Matty }}}}}}}}}

    Hoping that you recieved something else in the mail!!!

    ((((((( wendy)))))

    Please cash the check and send me half!!!!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Hey there cassie - missed ya tons - get well soon eh?

  • Cowboy

    Welcome back (((((Cassi))))).You were greatly missed.

    Cowboy (better late than never? ;| )

    edited to try and get that darn little embarrased smilie to work

    Edited by - Cowboy on 8 July 2002 1:28:16

    Edited by - Cowboy on 8 July 2002 1:30:54

  • Simon

    Good to have you back Cassiline ... hope you're feeling Ok.

    Disappointed that the cheques / checks you sent us all aren't for real ... I had booked the cruise and everything, lol

    Make sure you take it easy !

  • Windchaser

    ((((Cassi)))) So good to see you back! You take it real easy, now, so everything will heal properly. You are a princess. Everyone should wait hand and foot on you.

    When you told me that the check was in the mail, I didn't believe it...not for a minute!

    Love you, Sweetie...


    Edited by - windchaser on 8 July 2002 2:54:27

  • ring


    hope you have a speedy recovery

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