Q. For Anti-Royalists.

by Englishman 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    How much do you think that every man, woman & child in the UK, each pays every year to keep Queen Liz on the throne?

    If you know the answer for certain, please don't quote your source just yet. I'm just trying to get a general picture about what people think.


  • roybatty

    I've never read much on this issue but I always imagined that the Royal family generated more money (i.e. tourists) then it cost to support them. But that's coming from a Yank.

  • meat pie
    meat pie

    I think I fit the description! Don't know the answer for certain, but I believe it's just a few quid each, the cost would not be my arguement, however that's a different matter.

  • Matty

    Republican here! If she cost us all one pence each, that would still be too much as far as I'm concerned. She has enough stashed away to keep her and her family going for 1000 years anyway. Have you read the book The Wealth of the Windsors by Andrew Morton?

  • BluesBrother

    Too bloomin much , thats what!

    Even if it did work out at the same as, say, a trip to the cinema, I still do not think we need to support the idle rich in this day and age.

    Mind you, I must accept that the TV pictures of thousands of people outside Buck House makes one realise that I am probably in a minority.

  • Farkel


    : How much do you think that every man, woman & child in the UK, each pays every year to keep Queen Liz on the throne?

    A pound a year is too much. But then again, I'm an American and outside of the Kennedys and Rush Limbaugh we've had no royalty since we told King George to stuff it!


    Edited by - Farkel on 28 June 2002 16:8:1

  • Simon

    You can use the 'it only costs everyone xxp' argument for practically anything.

    If 60,000,000 people pay 1p then it's 600,000, 10p and 6million and so on.

    Surely everyone can afford 10p eh? maybe ... but why should we.

    Why shouldn't I get the money instead? Or a hospital or any number of worthy causes. In fact, down at the bottom of the list of 'who should get the money' would be a multi-millionaire who pays no or little tax.

  • Englishman

    The answer is:

    It costs each UK National exactly 58 pence a year to keep Q.Lizzie on the throne.

    So, whilst I am not that pro-royalist, it occurs to me that, as we have no written constitution, it would harm our perceptions of government if we abolished the monarchy.

    Farkel, your family were Brits until the 1840's I recall, you can't therefore say that you were all for George 3 getting the boot 100 years previously. Mmm, maybe you can, sort of retrospectively..

    ..and just how may times is the insufferable Mel Gibson going to play the part of a person who is being persecuted by the British?

    Patriot, Braveheart, thank God he wasn't available for Rob Roy!


  • Valis

    IMHO, as if I had a humble one....There is little difference in the way we treat U.S. Former Presidents and other office holders. They get money/protection for the rest of their lives for snippets of service. The amount and status is different, but I think the principle is the same....Too bad we didn't both play in the world cup against each other...we might have beat up on the royals once again...*L*


    District Overbeer

  • Farkel


    : Farkel, your family were Brits until the 1840's I recall, you can't therefore say that you were all for George 3 getting the boot 100 years previously. Mmm, maybe you can, sort of retrospectively..

    1850's actually, but you are right. Knowing my family including my grandfather who was a son of the two brothers who emigrated from Birminham, I doubt of any of them were Royalists, though. Except my mother, but she's only referring to herself in that context!


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