Sydney and Melbourne and New Zealand United

by Beck_Melbourne 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beck_Melbourne

    We are spreading the evil apostate message at our first international assembly video link up with Sydney, Melbourne and New Zealand.

    Today Australia! tomorrow the world will belong to Grand Master Simon.!!!!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well, I seen Mr Ozzie post for real at last, Completely nothing like I pictured you brother. Aint that always the way?and Hippikon, and of course the Prisker via cam.(be still my beating heart). Nice to put names to the faces...or is it faces to the names....

    Sheesh....had too much to drink already, and Its only just started!

  • chezza

    Hello all, nice to meet you all! We are too full to be silly yet and the alcohol is slowly kicking in , come back to us in a few hours and we should all be naked and running around silly.Cheers all, chezza.

  • chezza

    Hi all....above message from me was a group thing...if you were wondering what I was talking about...I claim no liability for it lol.

    It was lovely to see Prisca, Mr and Mrs Ozzie, Hippikon, Kep and Family. At our end we have Chezza & hubby, Hellraizer & hubby, Pappusan, Refiners and myself.

    We now have very full bellies (as always...looking after our inner selves)...and with a drink in playing video games...we are now enjoying a leisurely afternoon chatting with our is so nice to see someone on the other side laughing at my dry jokes haha.


    Edited by - chezza on 23 June 2002 1:32:55

  • plmkrzy

    Boy you folks are a buncha partee ANIMALS!wish I could be thereBut...You all have fun anyway.hehe

  • Prisca

    Report from Sydney:

    It was a marvellous sunny Sunday afternoon, and the Sydney chapter of the Australian Apostates gathered together - Hippicon and his family, Ozziepost and Mrs Ozzie and yours truly.

    On web-cam we were able to see the riotous Melbourne branch, well known for their debauchery and drinking a glass or two of something alcoholic. We in Sydney tried to keep up by drinking Ozzie's shiraz, but I think the Melbourne group were well ahead of us in the drinking stakes. Kep in NZ did well with his Kiwi lager, but reports are that he passed out half-way through.

    The web-cam was a great idea. Maybe we'll incorporate it in the Australiasian Apostafest this September.

    Great to "see" (literally) you guys in Melbourne again - can't wait for the next time!

  • ozziepost

    How come Pris always gets back home first? I don't understand?

    Anyhow, great meal, great wine, great company, and great entertainment from youse Mexicans.

    Great day!



  • Prisca

    Ozzie - the party's still going in Melbourne!!!

    Don't they ever stop partying????

  • ozziepost

    They spend all their time indoors. It's the weather!

  • Mackin

    I'm really sorry I couldn't be with you this weekend. I was out of town in the frozen South Island of NZ. Just got back to the warmer temps of Auckland.

    I'll do my best to make up for it when I come over to Canberra in September.

    Keep on having a great time my friends.

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