WT is shorting literature orders by congregation with a problem contributing enough for literature $3500 just for mags

by oppostate 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle
    🐸 Outlaw😛☑
  • paulmolark

    Maybe the elders are trying to skim money off the top and they are telling everyone to contribute more lol. At .50 a mag and saying your Congo should be sending a minimum of $3500 a month that is 7000 magazines a month.

    How many publishers do you have? This request sounds like something your body of elders wants to help them make car payments lol.

    Outlaw when did this arrangement of only getting the number of magazines you paid for come back into / go into practice I have never heard of this being a rule. Even when I was at bethel I specifically remember the congregation list being fulfilled as it was on the literature request.

  • oppostate


    It's hilarious for sure. Apparently this is a pattern that's been going on for the past three months and maybe the CO is the one that "busted" the elders' b@lls about it during his last visit.

    Also as in the other thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/292580006/our-hall-asking-money

    I believe the donation "pledge" slips amounted to a way much higher amount than it's ever been contributed locally. Instead of adjusting the amount to reality we were constantly reminded on mid-week meetings dealing with congregation accounts that we were not meeting our "budget amounts". Yet our pledged budget amounts should have been perceived as hopeful dreams rather than a realistic amount. So the last two weeks of May we had another "pledge" slip exercise.

    When the number of pledges doesn't add up to the actual donations, and when the number of placed magazines is way over the amount of magazines received for the month, it follows that any reported numbers should be seen as mere high end hopeful estimations without foundation in accurate amounts.

    If publishers don't tell the truth about how much they can contribute and how many magazines they've placed, can we trust the number of field service hours, book placements and studies are reported every month?


    Outlaw when did this arrangement of only getting the number of magazines you paid for come back into / go into practice I have never heard of this being a rule....paulmolark

    I`ve heard of congregations that have been 'Cut Off" of WBT$ Literature..

    Until they paid their WBT$ Literature Bill..

    How long has this been going on?.....At least a decade.....Maybe more...

    Hopefully some Old Timers will weigh in on this..

  • paulmolark

    Unfortunately I was an elder for a decade and prior I was a literature servant and I have never heard of anyone not receiving literature until a certain amount of money was paid.

    I remember living in jersey city and driving in to the branch with the literature and magazine request form for the Congo and getting it filled in an hour or so in the late 80's to 90's without ever being shorted because the amount of our donations was not enough to cover what we requested. If that was the case we would have never had any literature back then

    this must be a new arrangement


    Unfortunately I was an elder for a decade and prior I was a literature servant and I have never heard of anyone not receiving literature until a certain amount of money was paid......paulmolark

    I was surprised the 1st time I heard it too..That was a long time ago..

    Now I`m used to hearing these stories..

    A lot of things are kept from us in the WBT$.....Then we start talking amongst ourselves on line..

  • prologos
    most congregations I have been in have an magazine overflow, not a shortage. wt should check orders against placement reports and cut shipments, save the trees. "god is supposed to get ready to kill those that destroy the earth, so, stop reducing photosynthesis, stop soil erosion, stop the excess shipments. stop the payments.

    Surely the actual production cost of a Rag is only a fraction of a Cent [US $] at X million per print run??

  • FayeDunaway
    I think they are cutting back on their shipments on purpose. It costs less to ship 300 mags than 500. It costs less to produce them too. Ink is expensive, as is paper. We know they are hurting financially, have bitten off more than they can chew. This way, they can guilt publishers into contributing more money AND save on printing and shipping.
  • 3rdgen

    "If publishers don't tell the truth about how much they can contribute and how many magazines they have placed, can we trust the number of field service hours...?"

    Very important point. If the stats given to the WTBT$ are padded by the publishers, who can trust the so called "growth" stated by HQ?

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