OUCH ! Wall Street Journal SPITS out the JWs!!

by deddaisy 22 Replies latest social current

  • deddaisy

    "I was raised a Witness and left voluntarily in my teens..."

    that's why this article was such an "honest" one.....

    now the WTS will say, "that article was written by an apostate"

    gee WTS, do you think maybe the Wall Street Journal wasn't aware of the fact that he was an APOSTATE when they hired him?

    more importantly, is the Wall Street Journal now considered "apostate literature?"oh dear......

  • outnfree

    I, too, do not subscribe to the Wall St. Journal, so I would have missed this entirely. Thanks deddaisy!

    Finally, a writer who understands the Watchtower's hypocrisy! Is it only former members who can write such articles? I would like to think "no", but it does seem much easier to grasp the TRUE situation if one was formerly "in".


  • deddaisy

    out, it does appear that journalists that have "first-hand" experience have a definite edge in their reporting........

    poor WTS, all the talented writers got away.......

    edited to add: Sunspot, the Wall Street Journal isn't found on my coffee table either, it's usually stacked in a heap on the dining room table, unread !

    Edited by - deddaisy on 23 June 2002 19:27:59

  • abbagail

    Hubba Hubba. At first I thought surely the WSJ article by Jason L. Riley was written by someone from this forum!

    Thanks for posting the "biting" article, and for the brief bio of xBro Riley. Even tho he exited the WT in his teens, sounds like the hairs on the back of his neck still stand straight up when he even THINKS about JWs and/or the WTS.

    I like how he added the comment about there being no black brothers in the GB until recently. Nice touch, JLR!

    Funny comment about all the good writers getting away... :)

    And deddaisy, I like an article with pre-inserted emphasis! Good job!

    All sad but true, sad but true...


  • bluesapphire

    up in case anyone missed it.

  • dungbeetle

    <Russell pointed to 1914 as the year that God would set up his kingdom on earth, displace all governments and destroy everyone except "Russellites" (as they were known at the time), who would inherit a paradise on earth and live forever>

    I do not believe this is entirely correct. This is a Rutherford teaching.

    Russell believed that he and his followers would all be taken to heaven in 1914, that evil would be wiped out on earth and a paradise be established here that he and his folowers would rule over from heaven. At least that's how I recall it.

  • bad_associashun

    thanks for putting this up- got to love it when one of their own puts them under the bare bulb:

    'Preoccupied with apocolyptic dates, the Witnesses are criticized for changing course as their predictions go unrealized.' ---> speculation of those resurrected, yr of the 'END', blood issues... and now the elders represent the anointed... the saga continues <eyeroll>

  • LDH

    THANK YOU SO MUCH deddaisy.



  • joeshmoe

    I'll throw my thanks in the ring as well deddaisy!!

    Dungbeetle - I believe you are correct, but the author also makes note of the constanting changing theology of the JW's. Who can keep up with it all?!

  • detective

    Well, I sent a feedback email to the paper though I don't know if it will be printed or not. People, it only takes a couple of minutes to write a quick note to the paper.

    Please consider writing to them.

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