Let's talk about my kids (or "pets" i...

by joeshmoe 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Two Australian Shephers. Smarter than me, very intelligent. One is a laid-back ol' lady named Foster (after the beer). The other is a neurotic youngster named MacKay (after the river).

    No one could get within a hundred yards of this house without me knowing it.


  • Xander

    We did have four cats - our Cocoa had a sister Callie. She had some kind of cancer that was preventing her from being able to digest food properly. Having a pet go so slowly really hurts, cause it seems you never know what is wrong.

    Took her to a vet who recommended a specialist some distance from us. We ended up dropping her off there (and you know that look they give as you leave - the "l just don't want to be here, please come and pick me up soon so I can go home" look?) Well, they kept her for a while, found out that they couldn't help her (this WAS the second opinion) and recommended putting her to sleep to ease her pain. Of course, we agreed.

    But, it's just so sad knowing that look on their face the last time you left them - it's like they trusted you to bring them back home and we didn't.

    *sniff* - sorry, still quite recent, little upset over the whole thing still...

  • Marilyn

    Mine is Little Boy, pictured left. He weights 19lbs. He is magnificent.

    EXJWs seem to be great animal lovers. Mmmm. Interesting. I've often noticed how enthusiastic people here are about their pets. There's hardly anyone that doesn't have and love one (or more).


  • joeshmoe

    Yes Marilyn,

    I can't imagine my dogs turning their backs on me for anything. Unconditional love is not something most JW's are familiar with, eh?!

  • Bendrr

    If there's one thing I truly love, it's animals. A good pet is one that makes you laugh, think, and love him or her right back. I love dogs, especially German Shephards but I haven't had a place suitable to keep one or any other dog for that matter. Up to now I've always had cats, and my various feline roommates have made me a definite cat person.

    Midnight was my first. Long hair, solid black. Very playful. She decided to leave home to live with a little old lady down the street.

    Amazon was my second cat. Part bobcat, maybe 1/4 at most. Gray tabby with almost no tail at all. I had her for 3 years and she gave me two litters of kittens, each with two bobtails. I watched her give birth to the first litter. Amazon and Midnight were "partners in crime" before Midnight moved out. Usually Amazon was the sneaky little instigator of whatever mischief I caught them in.

    Shadow was my third cat. One day at work, I kept hearing this weird noise behind the shop. Kind of a growly moan. I finally found the source in a little kitten hiding under our storage building. Took her home and raised the sweetest cat you'd ever want to meet.

    Bear was my last cat. He was Amazon's son. Solid black, long haired, and with a small nub of a tail. When he was a kitten he constantly stood on his back paws and looked like a little bear hence the name. He was in Amazon's first litter. When she had her second litter, he took it upon himself to guard the kittens. When she disappeared, I had only Bear and Shadow to keep me company. Bear liked to lay beside me on his back, paws up in the air. Shadow liked to lay on my stomach. Both wanted to be petted, but didn't want the other one there.

    Eventually, Shadow just disappeared. I think she was too stressed out when I moved twice in one year so she just left right after the second move. Bear [allegedly] died in my neighbor's yard one day and the neighbor buried him for me. I kind of think there's more to that, since my neighbor was a little freaked out by a black cat with no tail.

    Now I don't have any more cats. And I can't have any for a long time. I've got a pearl cockatiel. Her cage door is always open, so she can get out if she wants to. (her wings are clipped) Right now, she's sitting on my shoulder preening my hair and nibbling at my whiskers. I do wish you could litter-box-train birds like you can cats, though.


  • zenpunk

    I have a snake (I had to be different) and two koi - you know, those huge multicolored goldfish with mustaches from Japan.

  • imissthedub

    Zenpunk, I used to have snakes. I had a speckled king snake named Maurice for 10 years! He died of a heart attack going thru his water dish trying to shed.....old age I guess.

    Now we have 3 parrots.

    White Capped Pionus-male-Kazoo Raised him with baby formula in a dropper. 40 word vocab. Will be 11 in August. Can live 40 years.

    African Grey (Congo)-Female Melanie Miracle. Got her at 3 1/2 months and we were her 4th home already. Her name at time was Malachi. Later had her sexed...and since she was used to being called Mal....we went with Mel/Melanie. She was carrying a terminal disease and one year later was healed. Only 2nd grey in world to ditch this disease after carrying it. She has an unlimited vocabulary and can do exact voice imitations. She makes up conversations, doing 2 different voices and answering back and forth. She watches alot of educational tv. Intellect of 5 year old child. Also makes up muis and sings it. Can live 75 years. Just turned 7 this Tues.

    Rousey Bourke Parakeet-femal-Cher'e Amore. Pink and white. A little beauty. Will be 7 in July. She is in luv with Kazoo. Kazoo hates both other birds. She could live about 15 years.

  • FreeFallin

    The light of my life was Brandon, a Sheltie. I had to put him to sleep in January, he was fourteen years old. We tried every thing to save him, he was being treated for kidney failure for over a year. It drained our savings account, but it was worth it to keep him comfortable till the end. I'm crying so hard right now, I miss him so much. He was a beautiful dog, my little boy.


  • KistByQpid

    Although we have a cat..."Crybaby"...he's an antisocial pain in the @ss. He wants nothing to do with us and has taken to living between the garage and front yard. Guess I'm a dog person...my pack:

    Jonesy--Australian shepherd/Blue heeler, she's getting old now but she is a wonderful outdoor watchdog.

    Chico--He's my black chihuahua. Loveable, loyal and not at all yappy, nervous or "shaky."

    RECON--He's a Jack Russel Terrorist. Fearless. Lot a dog in a little body. Psychotically protective.

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