Cart Witnessing - Thrilling! Productive! Epic!, well, not so much.....

by sir82 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • tim3l0rd
    Cart witnessing can be done by anyone, but you are supposed to have been through the "training" and be approved by your boe. The training is mostly that you're not supposed to approach people, you are supposed to smile, and stand several feet away from the cart so as not to scare someone off who may want to take something. Only once someone stops and approaches the cart should you engage them. That's the gist of the training.
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    The JW cart witnessing is a total waste of time it brings in no money, makes the religion/corporation look stupid and hopeless.

    Who in their right mind wants to even be seen standing next to one and the possibility of appostates approaching and getting in a conversation puts the brain dead cart baby sitter in a better position to leave this god forsaken cult what on earth was the GB thinking in endorsing or allowing this to continue.

  • punkofnice
    Heaven4 hours agoWasn't it you punky who aptly named these "The Apathy Trolley/Cart"?

    Guilty as charged


    Guilty as charged ..........Punk of Nice

    I thought that was a Brilliant tag.."Apathy Cart"..FUNNY!.....LOL!!.

  • tim3l0rd

    It all started by some JW's setting up tables in flea markets and even trade shows. They had some initial success from the stories that I heard. The COs then started encouraging other congregations to do the same. Finally the branch got involved and decided to regulate everything.

    I won't say how I know because it may out me, but the WTB$ sources all this stuff, the carts, chairs for halls, etc., from China. They have warehouses there and everything. Of course it's all hush-hush and run under different corporations.

  • OrphanCrow

    Excuse me while I step up on my soap box... :p

    The cart witnessing is connected to tax free status and the requirements of nonprofit management.

    By introducing cart witnessing, the WTS has created a measureable, documented body of volunteers that they can claim as "in kind" donations. The application form is a 'measurable' form that meets the requirements for those volunteer hours to qualify as a 'charitable donation' on their books.

    The results of that volunteer workforce is less important than the work happening in a measurable, organized way.

    The WTS has to keep up the appearance of being a nonprofit and the cart witnessing is one of the ways that they are able to give that impression. Their tax free status depends upon it.

  • steve2

    This inadvertently draws a contrast to the "requirements for door-to-door work, return visits and home Bible studies.

    The detailed list of questions required for an assessment of the applicant's suitability to engage in cart witnessing is not required for the door-to-door work - work in which there is potentially far more 'close-up' direct and extended contact with people.

    Clearly, cart witnessing is more overtly public - and impression management rules big time in this organization.

  • pepperheart
    i like the carts its more easy to take the teaching books and put them in the trash my record is 101 "what does the bible really teach" books disposed of in one week
  • InquiryMan
  • InquiryMan

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