jehovah's witness protection program

by Incense_and_Peppermints 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    luv it!

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    i do too. those 'no solicitors' signs don't have any affect. don't take this wrong, but every time i see that picture, i feel like kneeling before you. weird, just look so... priestly, or something.

    c ya

  • joeshmoe

    Priest Natas

    I luv that!


  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    well, he does, you know

    you went to bethel? that's really really interesting. if you ever want to post some of your experiences, i would love to read them. i always wondered what it was like over there. it always seemed like holy ground, or something... and they couldn't even hold onto a bethelite like you. i always thought they (bethelites) never left "the truth" - just us plain vanilla witnesses....

    Edited by - Incense_and_Peppermints on 15 June 2002 0:54:49

  • joeshmoe

    I&P, are you kidding?!

    There are alot of former bethelites who've gotten "out". It's hard to eat and sleep at the 'headquarters' and not eventually see how this group of old farts who meet once a week RULE YOUR LIFE. Not to mention how much tradition there is.

    After a while, you see your just like a Stonemason or something. You just serve some kind of weird group with weird ways.

    P.S."holy ground" eh? Yea, there was something very cool about how I was put on pedestal while I was there. Especially by chicks! The "Elderettes" comment I saw on another thread is sooo true!! Marry a bethelite, and they were set for life. Yea, come to think of it, I loved it!!

  • terafera

    IandP, yea I know exactly what you're saying too! I was very surprised to see that elders, overseers and even Bethelites were here!! It freaked me out...couldnt imagine anyone leaving from Bethel.

    There was a young guy I was absolutely nuts over that left to go to Bethel... I always felt like he was having more fun in Bethel than he would with, 5 years later, I wonder if he has any regrets.

  • happy man
    happy man


    well internet is fantastisk, if you was on behtel, then you can tell what the problem is, and who is inn the leding position, they say here that one strong man is TJ, is it the truth.

    and also if you left not so long ago, you can give an insde wieu,who is very upp dated.

    here in sweden we dont now so much what happend in the bigg country, only this terribel childabuse, and UN thing someone have read on internet.

  • HomebutHiding

    Feel like I have been in a cave...what's the "UN thing?"

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    IandP, yea I know exactly what you're saying too! I was very surprised to see that elders, overseers and even Bethelites were here!! It freaked me out...couldnt imagine anyone leaving from Bethel. There was a young guy I was absolutely nuts over that left to go to Bethel...

    i know, tera. they were like the ones who walked on water, so to speak. and i always thought the prettiest boys were the ones who ended up going to bethel. they were like, gods, or something. i fell in love with this one brother - we were both 14 though. he was the sweetest, cutest thing. he looked like kurt russell. my sister knows everything about everyone, and so i asked her do you know what happened to so-and-so? and she told me oh they became an apostate or they fell away, or one kid whose dad was an overseer ended up driving drunk and killing a little kid in his neigborhood. but anyway, i asked about many people from my past and she knew if they were still in or out, but when i asked about tim she didn't have a clue, which tells me he escaped their clutches. i like to think of him sitting on a beach, all barefoot and sand in his fair hair, having a smoke and musing. how funny that we still think of these people.

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