Looking for ideas.

by Driving Force 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Driving Force
    Driving Force

    I received an email from one of the elder in the local congregation. I am not DFed so there is not a problem there, I am just an aggressive fader.

    One of the last things I said to this elder before I stopped all activities was that I do not agree with the bOrg taking all the assets from the congregations.

    Here is what the elder said in the email:

    • "I recently saw something while looking through the JW broadcasting for the month of May and I though about you. You talked to me about the financial situation of the organization and the amount of money involved. This video from Brother Lett explains things very well, definitely better than I could. It's about 60 minutes long and I found it very interesting, just take a look at it."

    And there was the link for the May broadcast by Lett.

    Now the thing is with this brother he also has this rare quality of being a shepherd and he does care for those in the congregation.

    Of course I know / we all know that Lett talks a load of cods wallop. But I need some suggestions on how to answer him that might make him think about things and help him to wake up. So any useful suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Driving Force.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Ask him if he read pages 2-4 of the BOE letter about the new arrangement.

    Anyone with half a brain can see it is a con, paying at least the same as before but with no end in sight.

  • DesirousOfChange

    You answering in a way that "makes him think" might be the end of your successful fade. I know that everything you have learned regarding TTATT is screaming inside you to get out, but the best was to continue to fade is to STFU.


  • sir82

    Send him the link to this non-"apostate" news article:


    Ask him about Lett's comments that the sale of "significant property" in Brooklyn only supplied the organization with "2 weeks of operating expenses".

    Ask him (a) Does the organization spend $386 million every 2 weeks? or (B) did Lett intentionally misrepresent the scale of income from the sale of Brooklyn properties?

  • zophar

    Driving Force

    I suppose he thought the video would be encouraging to you. It shows how he just doesn't see things the way you do. No doubt he sincerely believes you would find the video encouraging instead of as if the Organization is soliciting.

    I looked up the word "solicit" and found this definition from Merriam Webster:

    : to ask for (something, such as money or help) from people, companies, etc.

    : to ask (a person or group) for money, help, etc.

    How is what Lett is doing not meeting that definition? Ask him, "What am I missing here?"

  • cappytan
    Ask him about Lett's comments that the sale of "significant property" in Brooklyn only supplied the organization with "2 weeks of operating expenses".

    I'm pretty sure Lett said "a few weeks" instead of specifying "2 weeks."

    Using that word "few" leaves room for interpretation. From what I understand, "a few" can indicate 3 or more weeks. But you can always say, "when we said 'few' we were referring to 20 weeks."

    "Few" was used deliberately for this reason so that it would be technically correct, but people would assume the worst and guess lower.

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    I am just an aggressive fader.

    If you want to be successful at fading, then just blow him off and don't engage. If he confronts you about it, just say thanks and that you will think about it.

    If you engage to try to help him wake up, your fading might turn into a Judicial Committee.

    Is the effort to try to help him wake up worth the possible aggravation? Or is fading in peace a better option?

  • sir82

    using that word "few" leaves room for interpretation. From what I understand, "a few" can indicate 3 or more weeks. But you can always say, "when we said 'few' we were referring to 20 weeks."

    Fine. So does the organization spend $386 million every 20 weeks? Even that would indicate an annual budget of $1 billion+ per year.

    There's no way around it. Lett intentionally misrepresented the scale of income from property sales.

  • done4good

    He clearly does not understand your actual thoughts on the matter, and additionally, is not ready for TTATT. If you are looking for the most aggressive fade possible, then go ahead and respond. Otherwise, I would just let it sink in on its own when he is ready. Otherwise, all you will do is raise his CD, and that may close the door to his mind actually opening at all.

    Sorry, but that is the way it works.


  • steve2

    I love it when the Witnesses, elders included, give you something to view or read because "it explains it far better" than they ever could.

    What does this tell you about their ability to fully comprehend and discuss even basic policy?

    I haven't answered your query, but I think you're on a hiding to nowhere if you don't play the game, nice shepherd or not.

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