What's the Worst Gossip You Heard About Why You were DF'ed, Faded or Left and Never Came Back? They say "I am gay!"

by PhilsWager2 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • skepticSam

    How come gossip is not a sin to all the witnesses spreading lies about people they have no idea about? When called on the wicked accusations by the Witnesses by those harmed, they are the biggest cowards of all and refuse to stand by their statements. How many of you have ever called people on their lies, how many of you have challenged the lies of the cunning manipulators of truth? Their actions prove they are not Christians, they are nothing but liars who will end up where they belong, no amount of field service is going to cover up their sins!

    Why are they so eager to run to badness, in a hurry to do shameful things? They have no desire to help you spiritually, most of these witnesses are nothing but trolls bored to death from a religion that's failed them in all aspects of life. Many of these Witnesses are poor, they have no family lives because many of the witness families are filled with judgmental hatred, so really what is the fading witness missing out on?

  • sparrowdown

    JWs will latch on to any current trending discussions as grist for their gossip mills. With all the media talk about gender identification I wonder how long before they start accusing people of being transgender.

  • LongHairGal

    The gossip I heard from one of the elderly ladies was that I must have left because I found a boyfriend.

    In truth, I was looking for an excuse to conveniently "fade" since their 1995 changed teaching on generation. I wanted out of this crap. It just so happened when my mother passed away I stopped. The timing was perfect.

    What a relief to stay home on cold nights and watch CSI instead of going to the dreary Kingdom Hall !!!

    The fact that I felt better the longer I stayed away told me it wasn't healthy to even be there. I was only sorry I hadn't done this ten years sooner!

    When I sometimes see JWs in stores they generally tend to be aloof and unfriendly. I guess now they have a REASON to dislike me instead of the petty jealousies they are famous for.

    They must really hate people who leave the religion!

  • Lieu

    Longhairgal, I don't think they hate you for leaving. It's more of a learned response out of fear that someone else may see them smile or speak. They have a HUGE fear of man and of being seen by sister self righteous snitch.

    It's kinda like living in a theocratic Nazi Germany ... fear rules.

  • skepticSam

    The biggest accusers were usually hiding something under their roofs, the pious pioneer couple that loved to share bad news had their marriage implode after he ran off seeking a new life as a woman. She was such a hag, so happy to put people down that missed meeting or share inside information from elders meetings, she was sad when the topic of "what's being said behind close doors" was her husband's transgender disfellowshiping! Ironic, to see people calling the police station to see if any child sex predators were living by so they could make territory-maps to warn all the publishers. He was a pedophile and eventually got caught, making maps to hand out mothers with small children boosted trust in him, was that his reason, to build trust only to move in on the children himself?

    The new generation has no idea all the time we squandered at Meetings, Circuit Assemblies and District 5 day Assemblies. Does anyone remember a half-day on Thursday, full day on Friday to Sunday, what a relief of stress to walk away from all that control? The wasted three days a week for Monday, Wed and Sunday meetings, sickening to think we wasted so much time and allowed our minds to become shacked with bogus, unintelligent teachings and field service of preaching a message of doom! I don't miss the anxiety and stress, happy everyone here has almost made it out of the Watchtower Mental Correctional Facilities!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I just learned that I was kicked out of Bethel for immorality. I am hurt that a loved one continues to sling mud at me at every opportunity.

    My JW friends know better. They love and respect me.


  • punkofnice

    I wonder how many JWs are actually envious that we've had the courage to leave the filthy cult?

    They're trapped and trying to hold on to their crumbling delusuion. We are free!

  • cultBgone

    Dubs can't entertain the thought that someone would leave without being under demon control, because that's what's been repeatedly pounded into their heads. It's Black or White, Good or Bad, Jehovah or Satan, JW or Sinner. Only those not 100% indoctrinated can think for themselves, but even then a Dub must follow the crowd. They must at least appear to agree with the gossip or the suspicion will turn toward them. To be a Dub, you have to stay in Dubstep. I doubt everyone believes all the gossip, but it's too risky to voice a different opinion.

    Don't forget how exhausting it was in there.

    Not sure what my current fading "sin" is as I've heard everything from that old favorite Been Stumbled (well, yes, by elders who refused to report child abuse) to Secret Sinning (I wish my life was that exciting) to Apostate (okay, by their definition that's true). It's all good - if I can be their gossip fodder, maybe they'll be leaving someone else alone. And my family sees how much happier I am now than before my fade, so that's a huge plus in my book. Maybe that will eventually help them to wake up and get out.

  • Heaven

    I went to College.

    edited to add: Oh yeah, I already said that.

  • flipper

    I've had so many JW's say things about me it's so surreal.

    About a year after I stopped attending in 2003 at the end of 2004 - an elder who had it out for me in my final congregation I attended saw me in an antique store and came up to me and asked, " Are you still with the woman that you got with right after you broke up with wife #2 ( non-JW ) ? " I said, " Uh, no. I wasn't " with " her she was just a friend " . He said, " Well - Someone told me that you went on a cruise to Mexico with your new girlfriend right after you broke up with wife # 2 ( who was a meth freak by the way ). " I looked him in the eye and said, " Listen, I've NEVER , EVER even BEEN on a cruise in my entire life. Somebody told you the story wrong. It was my wife # 2 that I split UP with who went on a cruise with her 17 year old daughter after we split ! I don't think they have an intimate relationship going . " ( So message to elder- nothing to see here folks - move on )

    But it shows how NOSY they are into our lives and they respect NO personal boundaries whatsoever. After I stopped attending my ex-wife # 1 ( fanatic JW ) told my then teenage daughters that I was " rebellious " because I disagreed with the elders. I've been shunned in parking lots even though I say " hi " to the JW , my adult daughters still shun me, rumors of gossip about me being " apostate " continue even though I've minded my own business living an hour and a half away from where I used to live with my first JW wife. The smear campaign has been definitely well done and cooked up.

    Part of that may be because I won an appeal on my DFing some years ago- so the elders and others cannot stand it when an inactive JW wins and they lose. So it's a case of my winning the battle, but losing the war type thing regards JW's having anything to do with me. But you know what ? I don't care. I'm happier without all those caustic, energy sucking psychos out of my life anyway. I'm surrounded by people who REALLY value me- and that is what matters

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