US Assemblies

by Satanus 17 Replies latest social current

  • Satanus

    I haven't seen this anywhere. If it has been posted, i apologise and ask to be directed there. Can someone furnish the dates and places of the district conventions in the US? This would be useful for a few who are wrestling w the wt. Thanks.


  • Satanus

    'sokay. Sf posted it on the other thread. It's @


  • Scully

    Hi Saint Satan:

    I checked out the page

    and noticed the last line following the list of JW conventions:
    "The times to preach outside these conventions is 7am to 10 a.m., noon to 2p.m., and 3:30 to 6 p.m."

    Does anyone else get the impression that "preaching" here refers to non-JWs preaching to JWs while they are on intermission from the sessions?

    Love, Scully

  • bonovox

    Im sorry, but I always thought, even as a kid, that the xJws that 'preached' outside the assemblies were pathetic creatures who needed to get a life.

    10+ years 'out', I still do.

    Go for a picnic, go to the beach, enjoy your family, and most of all try and do something to take your mind off your bad experience with the JWs. Move on.

    Personally I can think of a billion things Id rather be doing, but I guess Im selfish for not wanting to 'help' those poor JWs see the light...blargh...

  • dungbeetle

    hey bonoidiot:

    Can you think of something better to do than tell us you have something better to do?

    Methinks if you had something better to do you would be out doing it...

    So QUICK HURRY RUSH do something better, before it's too late.

    I thought a lot of things when I was a practicing JW. I thought about demonized smurfs, disfellowshiping rape survivors, rewarding pedophiles with , and I TOO thought the picketers were stupid.


    Zero or Negative Growth in 75 countries in 2001;

    Zero or negative growth in 150 countries in 2002. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Memeorial Partakers 2003: 20,000 YEAH!!!!!!!

  • Satanus


    Yah, i think you're right. Heh heh, some christian predators prey on the dub predators.


    I'm not an evangelist for anything either. I'm still getting myself together. Even if someone has it together, there is no obligation whatsoever to try to 'help' dubs get free or whatever. Some people feel called to do that, that's fine. For others, it's a continuation of wt/christian thinking. Our first priority is to find ourselves, being as 'selfish' as we need to be in the process.


  • bonovox

    Saintsatan....thats my point...get your self straight, and then get on with your life...there isnt a professional counsellor out there that would even remotely suggest that picketing a JW assembly will somehow help you to do that.

    Dungbeetle Im going to ignore your attempt at personal barbs cause I know you have your own horrific past with the JWs, with which I empathize. However picketing a public assembly is quite simply anti-social behaviour, and the whole secular world looks at it that way. My wife, who has never been a JW and never will be, has said of the picketers outside the 2 Hamilton assemblies that she went with me to in the early 90s: "they just look like a bunch of fringe lunatics". Is that the image that you want to project, or do you want people to listen to you? Exactly what do you hope to accomplish by standing outside an assembly with a poster shouting anti-JW slogans? By the same token, do you go door to door or even just to JWs houses with your concerns? Picket the Catholic assemblies too (after all, they are rife with child molestors too, right? you went there, not me)? And lets say you could get someone to listen to you, where would you tell them to go? Do you have a church they can join instead? Or is it simply just to try and 'get them out'??? I only ask cause Im still waiting for one of these types to 'show me the way' to the 'right religion' or whatever...can't say I've ever been called on by one...

    You can call me whatever names you'd like, it's still pathetic. Like I said, go to the beach.

    Anyways, back to my bbq (the only reason I even checked this is cause my wife told me to go "shut off that damn computer, its making those 'youve got mail' noises again" LOL)

  • trudy

    When I was a JW. I remember not being impressed by those jeans the JW apostates wore, I thought it was disrespectful, teaching about God while wearing blue jeans. Why don't they be as the JW's if they want to be heard? Like apostle Paul said, if he sought Jews, he became as a Jew etc. Perhaps handbills would work better. Your wife if right, others think these people are awful. And one who sold icecream to the JW's said she thought they were downright rude!

    I don't recall either Christ nor Apostle Paul conducting themselves this way.

    There has to be something better!

    I think that what we need to do is provide home Bible study groups and make a place where new converts can learn the scriptures and have a place to worship. I wonder why there are very mature brothers who provide places for worship. In the early Christian days, Apostle Paul rented an apartment or a home where those who wanted to learn the 'truth' would come to visit him. And I imagine it was there, many Christians would gather to worship God. Why are there so few mature brothers out there who do this?

    I only wish I had a place near my home where I could gather with others Christians who were really 'truth seekers. It is not expected that women would take the lead........



  • Satanus

    I only wish I had a place near my home where I could gather with others
    There is always your home. There is always you. In the bible women had and ran churches in their homes. Grace (mouthy} has a group in her home.



    I`ve got to agree with Bono,ex-dubs,protesting outside an assembly look nutty.You might scare the crap out of the people inside,but your not going to change their mind.I`ve seen it since I was a kid.Times have changed and there may be a better way to approach the problem.A well displayed information booth outside a convention would have a more polished look.People who are not dubs would be more inclined to check out your information.It beats the guy on the bullhorn whose pissed with dubs.(LOL)Personaly I`d rather be anywhere than a JW assembly...OUTLAW

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