Hope y'all in Texas are doing OK !

by Simon 22 Replies latest social current

  • wifibandit

    Cappy and others in our area have gotten in touch with me to say they are OK.

    If anyone in the vast exjw community was affected by this flood, please get in touch with me.

  • cofty
    Hope you are all staying safe.
  • GrreatTeacher
    Yes, my thoughts are with you all in Texas. I've lived through hurricanes and I know how scary it can be with flooding. Hoping the sun shines again for you soon.
  • JWdaughter
    I have friends and family all over Houston. I should be there now, but glad I'm not, honestly. My neighborhood has lots of flooding but my home is ok. No one I know is harmed, thankfully. Others are, tragically.
  • cappytan

    Just read an article and stupidly clicked on the comments section thinking I was going to see a lot of well wishers.

    nope. A bunch of liberals laughing and daring Texas to take federal aid.

    I really hate when people politicize a tragedy. Even worse when they do so before it's over.

    anyhow, Texas is flush with cash right now thanks to the shale oil boom and California migration.

  • baltar447
    I'm in San Antonio. We have been fine but other areas especially north or here have had it really rough.
  • Razziel

    I'm on the northwest side of Houston. Most of the houses in our subdivision are on gentle slopes 12-18" above street and gutter level. The water still got high enough to put a couple of inches into the garage and laundry room but thankfully just short of entering the main living areas.

    I feel sorry for all the people who had to abandon their vehicles on the freeways. Night visibility in a rainstorm on Houston freeways is poor. So a lot of people pull over to the shoulder and wait for the rain to slow down. But it didn't, and most of the frontage roads and bottom stacks of the interchanges flood first, so you get trapped on the mainlanes with no way off and then those flood and you have to abandon the car if you don't want to drown.

    Though certain low lying spots here flood pretty easily, the bayou system works fairly well and moves huge quantities of water. Much of the waters receded within a few hours though the damage was already done. Flood control estimated that over 162 billion gallons of water fell in the county in the span of four to five hours.

  • violias

    last night was another awful one. folks in Midlothian, TX got hit bad and areas near it and in front of it. More rain to come today. Where I am we got fearsome lighting and thunder and rain but the wind did not get bad. We lost power briefly but other than our yard still a swamp.

  • GrreatTeacher
    How are you all doing in Texas today? We got terrible thunder and lightening storms rolling through last night. Did you send it all to the East Coast?
  • TerryWalstrom

    I've lived in Fort Worth, Texas way long. This last month has been quite an adventure.

    The pattern of daily storms reminds me of tropical islands. You wake up to hard rain which eventually slacks off around noon. The clouds remain threatening all day. The thunderstorms and lightning return just after dusk and hit harder and harder through midnight.

    Rinse and repeat.

    I keep an eye on my weather app on my iPhone. That way I can get out on my bike almost every day. There are usually at least four hours of non-rain.
    A night or two ago, we had hailstones aplenty for the better part of an hour.

    Many low-lying areas in the city flood quickly. The sewer system is overtaken and gorged almost instantly. The poorer areas such as where I grew up on the south side of Fort Worth don't have paved streets or any sewer runoff in place. Every man and beast for cover!

    If I wanted this much gloom I'd be living in Seattle :)

    This too shall pass.

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