Raymond Franz

by obiwan 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lv4fer

    So why aren't you in college now. It's never to late. You made the decision not to go to college, no one made it for you.

  • Quotes

    CoC was one of the first "critical" books I read (can't remember which came first, CoC or Apocalypse Delayed. Both of them are worth the read for any current or former JW, and also anyone who has friends/relatives of JWs.

    For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out: http://Quotes.JehovahsWitnesses.com

  • obiwan

    Thanks for all the info,I ordered mine from borders,it will be here in
    a week or two.

    WOW It's a wide open world,use your
    own thoughts.

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    Hold on to your hat, as they say, as you read it...

    I personally found Ray to be very humble and objective.. Yet, he packs quite a punch with the information he presents (most of which I personally verified with the WT literature to make sure he wasn't making this stuff up -- he sadly wasn't)...

    Good luck Obi...

  • thewiz

    A dream, a real dream, I believe, ONLY comes ONCE in a lifetime. It's the ONE thing, for you, that your very existence hinges on.

    I did go to College starting when I was about 30 or so. Got a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Programming/MIS/IT with a 3.98 GPA -yeah I'm Mr. Big Shit.

    It's not what I really wanted. What I wanted was something different and required much more investment (monetarily) than I could give. It all boiled down to one line ("oh, well they won't need Dr's in the new system anyway." -who the "they" were and are at the time I guess I never really thought about) that ultimately defines my life of repeated failures. Thanks to Mr. Franz and the rest of his buddies at the time. I'm 1 of 10,000.

    About time he got treated like he treated others at the time, without mercy. He was part of the club.

    Nothing, I mean nothing gets me more upset (crying/tearing someone's throat out/getting tipsy/punching my fists into a wall/and especially when my kids get sick) than THIS one topic. My dream was tied deeply to higher education. Posters here have heard me stand on my soapbox before on this subject.

    A once in a lifetime dream. Fu$%in' GONE!!!

    Now I give up on just about everything I undertake. It's all part of the deal I guess. Weak-mind, weak-soul. Turn the other check. Passive bastard. Ultimately I blame myself for caving.

    And although I understand his point and agree on many, Mr. Franz's whole book is HIS catharsis NOT mine. His whole book is about making himself a pariah -if that is the proper usage of the term. A living martyr.

    Mr. Franz can kiss my ass. He, and his buds ruined MY life, I didn't ruin his.

  • ignored_one

    I read CoC recently. It's quite a eye-opener. I don't think it affected as much as some on this board. It depends on how deep you were involved with the WTS I suppose.

    I was however completely shocked by the obivous witch-hunt that went on. So un Christian like is was unbelievable. Especially the fact that they overlooked the fact that someone else had been seen eating with Ray's landlord and yet nothing was said about them.

    What is Ray's status now? Is he classed as an apostate because of writing the book? The last the book says is that he was disfellowshiped for eating with a disassociated person.

    Can anyone give me the latest?


    Ignored One. (Iggy).

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