Men are not looking forward to becoming Elders or Ministerial Servants

by Hidden-Window 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • LostGeneration

    Young dudes dont want to get messed up in that shit. There are so many better ways to spend your time.

    Weekends get totally jacked the second you are appointed, suddenly you are in the rotation to lead field serve-us, and of course more responsibility at the Sunday meeting. It gets harder and harder to miss meetings once you are appointed. Who wants that???

    Only the brown nosers and the power hungry idiots want that job.

  • dozy

    Almost all of these guys are 2nd or 3rd generation JWs & have seen the effect that responsibility have had on their fathers. Being an ms or elder is a pretty thankless job.

    We had a young pioneer in his early 20's who was a bright lad but always didn't seem especially enthusiastic about being a ms. We really wanted to appoint him one visit though , and I decided to have a chat with him beforehand. He told me " to be brutally frank , I've seen the effect that being an appointed man has had on my uncle & father and I don't ever want to have to go through that. " I suspect there are quite a few JWs like that , though many might not be quite as honest in expressing it.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    With the WT's changes in policies lately, especially in regard to pedophilia cases, I don't see how any man in his right mind would want to be a MS or Elder. WT has essentially placed all responsibility at the feet of Elders when things go south... despite the fact that Elders have followed corporate policy.

    Recently, CO's have been placed solely in charge of appointments and deletions. More WT distance between themselves and the free help when problems arise.

    When you look at the caliber of men (term is being used loosely here) reaching out, and who WT (the C.O.) is willingly appointing, it is not hard to see the direction the Org. is taking. The term "the bottom of the barrel" comes to mind.

    The good men with some semblence of conscience are stepping down; the hole is filled only by the most devoted WT suck-up. I saw this repeatedly right before my exit. Good men were essentially driven off of the BOE or couldn't take the pressure of serving with a body of men running roughshod over the Cong. and stepped down. Given enough time, only the power-hungry, self-serving, consciousless politician-types are left to run the show.

  • Ignoranceisbliss

    Very few family men (wife and kids) are reaching out for elder hood. I see alot of them appointed as servants though. If the Borg wants to stay strong it desperately needs these family men to become elders.

  • DesirousOfChange

    There is no upside to these appointments, only negative.

    If one is still drinking the Koolaid, the above is not true. There is the prestige of having the Title in JWdom.

    Anyone who is avoiding the "privledge" has to be awakening to TTATT, or at least have some serious doubts about all the shit going on.


    Granted, I have not attended for over a year, but I seem many early 30-somethings being appointed as Elders. Even a couple of born-ins who are only in their late 20's.

    As mentioned above, if a person has no other place to receive affirmation -- job; school; whatever -- the laying of the hands for MS/Elder can give them that feeling of accomplishment that most people yearn.



    If you have a "spiritual heritage" ( LOL!!!), AKA, other appointed family members, then you are likely appointed as a young MS. Then, if you tow the line and your wife measures up to the arbitrary spiritual qualifications of your particular BOE and CO, you get an Eldership. Jeeze, they have to appoint someone!! They are running out of help.

    They are begging for warm bodies at this point! They need servants especially. Servants being slaves that will do everything that the Eldubs don't want to do, or are too busy to do. That would suck. So would being an Eldub. The endless and ultimately meaningless meetings. Meetings about when to have a meeting about a meeting...

    My last Congo shared a building with two others. The combined brain power and Holy Spirit could not even decide on what kind of lawn mower to buy! Seriously, it caused a huge issue. Are you REALLY going to trust these morons with the safety of your children?! Who would knowingly volunteer for such a terrible job? You cannot affect change as an Eldub, even if you wanted to. All you can do is STFU and be blessed, or step down.


  • OneEyedJoe

    In my congregation, there are three types of ministerial servants:

    1. The born-in children of the suber-zealous service overseer. They all still live at home and have absolutely no world experience.

    2. Adult converts, of which there are 2 in our congregation. Both moving up very quickly in spite of challenges. These men are idiots and fit the janitor/window washer stereotype that's thrown around here perfectly.

    3. The older born-ins that have no interest in being an elder - there's probably 4 MSs that are in this group and they're in their 40s and 50s now.

    There's a few others in the 20-30 year old range (born-ins) that don't seem to have any interest in "reaching out." I don't think any of these are really aware of TTATT on any level necessarily, but they're just tired from life in a cult and want to float and be left alone. The problem with kids failing to reach out has become so bad in our congregation that the elders decided to hold a special meeting one sunday just for the males in order to guilt-trip us about "reaching out." I guess in their mind the only thing that could be holding us back was our humbly thinking that we're not good enough to be appointed, so they brought pictures of the elders from their highschool days to show us how unruly these people used to be. Since then (like 2 years ago) only 1 adult convert has been appointed to MS, and 1 MS from the 3rd group was made an elder, so I guess an over abundance of humility isn't the problem.

  • millie210

    The good men with some semblence of conscience are stepping down; the hole is filled only by the most devoted WT suck-up. I saw this repeatedly right before my exit. Good men were essentially driven off of the BOE or couldn't take the pressure of serving with a body of men running roughshod over the Cong. and stepped down. Given enough time, only the power-hungry, self-serving, consciousless politician-types are left to run the show.

    Do we have a best post of the daybutton here?

    This is so true and very well put.

  • besty

    He told me " to be brutally frank , I've seen the effect that being an appointed man has had on my uncle & father and I don't ever want to have to go through that. " I suspect there are quite a few JWs like that , though many might not be quite as honest in expressing it.

    almost word for word what I told an elder asking me to "reach out" about 3 years before I quit altogether.

  • piztjw

    When you look at the caliber of men

    Most of them are little, bitty .22's. Soon they will all be merely toy cap guns. A little noise, but no results.

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