JW.org broadcasting studio

by Lynnie 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lynnie

    Apparently the very cool thing to do now is when you go to Bethel you go and have your picture taken in the studio! My uber elder cousin and his wife just did that back in NY. I couldn't believe it! It's probably not for everyone, my cousin's daughter and son in law are very "high up" in the org in "finance" and that's how they probably got to do it. Or they really do allow people to actually to have their picture taken in the sacred broadcasting studio?

  • hoser

    It makes people like your cousin feel special, warm and fuzzy inside and perhaps a little better than the average jw who has never visited bethel.

    It is a smart marketing move on the part of headquarters to allow a select few to have the "privilege" of entering the sacred studio. It makes the rest of the drones try harder.

  • Vidiot

    hoser - "It makes the rest of the drones try harder.

    I can just imagine the prestige associated with field trips to Warwick once that place is fully up and running.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Catholics - Vatican & Lourdes

    Moslems - Mecca

    JW's - Warwick!


    I have always referred to HQ as JW Mecca. It's the new Jerusalem.


  • stuckinarut2

    Yes...keep building these huge complexes...even if the end is soooooo very close!

    You see, Jehoopla will put a large forcefield all around these places when the Big A comes!


  • littlerockguy

    The Searcher:

    You forgot:

    The People's Temple - Jonestown


  • looter

    so sad. that is idol worship

  • stuckinarut2

    "Ahhh...I'm sitting on the seat that a GB has sat on!! I feel so blessed, I'll never wash these clothes again!"

  • steve2

    All religious organizations, sooner or later, establish physical representations on earth of their faith claims. JWs would deny it, but the increased recent emphasis on construction work at Warwick is simply their own special physical representation on earth of their faith claims. Unlike their claim to be unique and different from all other religious groups, their organi

    zation is fitting into a very predictable slot for organized religions on earth.

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