Governing Body courageously 'Admit their mistakes'

by LogCon 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Then they might as well admit that all their current teachings are future opportunities to admit mistakes. How can anyone have much confidence in WT's "current truth" when the next issue will tell them contradictory "new light"?

    Living according to WT teachings and false prophecies is like building a house on shifting sands. Jesus warned of the disaster that would follow.

  • NewYork44M

    I am confused. But perhaps I am mistaken. No, I am confused. I am just happy I don't have to sit through this Watchtower study.

  • sowhatnow

    so, they admit to being 'apostates'.

    lets get the articles that indicate independant thinkers will be lead to apostacy. so then they are apostates by thier own defenition .

    that was independant thinking because God is not wrong nor does he keep things from man, nor does he reward stupidity with more valuables.

    hmm so we can disfellowship them? they need to be put on trial. they admit to lieing.

    I mean, If I was told i was wrong, when i knew i was probably right,

    and It turned out I was right, but I was not appoligized to or given any credit for using my own noggin,

    then that means no matter if I m right or wrong, I still have to be punished?? or ignored? so what difference does it make what the hell we believe?

    I think they just sunk the ship.

    the more your weighed down with lies the faster your going to sink.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    B The ex-B: How can anyone have much confidence in WT's "current truth" when the next issue will tell them contradictory "new light"?

    WT has actually said this. Of course, they were attempting to condemn the Catholic Church (again) by pointing fingers at them (again) for something the WT was guilty for itself (again), and failed (again) to see how they, the kettle, were calling the pot black (again).


    "Yes, millions of persons have been shocked to learn that things they were taught as being vital for salvation are now considered by their church to be wrong...

    How can I believe in the Bible, in God, or have faith? Just ten years ago we Catholics had the absolute truth, we put all our faith in this. Now the pope and our priests are telling us this is not the way to believe any more, but we are to believe ‘new things.’ How do I know the ‘new things’ will be the truth in five years?"

    ... Not just a few Catholics have asked such questions. The change in teaching has shaken their confidence in the Church. Would you not feel the same way if what you had always been taught to be vital for salvation was suddenly considered unnecessary? Would you not be inclined to question other teachings of your church also?

    ... Thus, many truth-seekers are having their eyes opened to see that the Catholic Church has not been holding strictly to God’s Word. And they are wondering whether any religion that does not do so is worthy of their confidence and support." -- Asleep, 4-22-1970, pp. 8-10


    Re-written, this can just as easily say:

    Not just a few Jehovah's Witnesses have asked such questions. The numerous changes in teachings have shaken their confidence in the Organization. Would you not feel the same way if what you had always been taught to be vital for salvation was suddenly considered unnecessary, replaced by "New Light"? Would you not be inclined to question other teachings of the Watchtower also?

    ... Thus, many Jehovah's Witnesses are having their eyes opened to see that the Governing Body has not been holding strictly to God’s Word. And they are wondering whether any religion that does not do so is worthy of their confidence and support."

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    They are very evil.... They know the power they have over you... Your life, your friends, your family... they will all be taken away from you, if you do not "comply."

  • Terry

    Billy, this is just beautifully phrased:


    Current teachings are future opportunities to admit mistakes!

  • Simon

    They missed out the bit aboout how they would disfellowship anyone who questioned or doubted their interpretation.

    Turns out those people were right.

    They really are settling in for the long-haul ... "hey, mistakes happened ... what'cha'gonna do?"

    What happened to the representatives of god with a direct line that he used to whisper in their ear?

  • Vidiot

    Simon - "What happened to the representatives of god with a direct line that he used to whisper in their ear?"

    Fred Franz died.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Here's a real apology. Compare this to WT's version of apologizing and admitting mistakes:


    The successor to Herbert Armstrong (The Worldwide Church of God), Joseph Tkach, Jr., made sweeping changes, perhaps more so than any other leader of a large-scale church movement in history. In part he said:

    "Our flawed doctrinal understanding clouded the plain gospel of Jesus Christ and led to a variety of wrong conclusions and unscriptural practices. We have much to repent of and apologize for. We were judgmental and self-righteous—condemning other Christians, calling them "so-called Christians" and labeling them "deceived" and "instruments of Satan."

    We imposed on our members a works-oriented approach to Christian living. We required adherence to burdensome regulations of the Old Testament code. We exercised a strongly legalistic approach to church government. Our former old covenant approach fostered attitudes of exclusivism and superiority rather than the new covenant teaching of brotherhood and unity. We overemphasized predictive prophecy and prophetic speculation, minimizing the true gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. We’ve been wrong."

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