by Bloody Hotdogs! 14 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Bloody Hotdogs!
    Bloody Hotdogs!

    Over the past couple years I have watched three young JW woman give up thier lives rather than accept blood. The last was a new mother in her late 20s. This is her story, as it unfolded on Facebook:

    NB: The following Facbook posts were taken from public profiles only. All names and photos have been obscured. I belive it is important for people to see the tragedy and heartache caused by the teachings of JWs. It is devastating for everyone involved; JWs and non-JWs alike. If this post is in bad taste, I will remove it.


  • Ajax

    Sad and thanks to the HLC for another repudiation of science in favour of tickling a deity.

    Not hard to read between the lines either. The unnamed ones 'budging' in were likely just some of the 'bird food class' - insignificant nobodies like this young womans parents and siblings. Just sad.

  • TD
    It's a chemical, so no blood product (yay).

    So sad....

    I wonder who misinformed her on that?

  • ILoveTTATT

    Yet another sacrifice to the JW gods... So incredibly sad.

  • rebel8

    Sounds like it may have been an avoidable death, but we don't know from those posts. What caused her condition, do you know?

    The aftermath was interesting and consistent with the behavior of the dubs I used to know.

  • Tenacious

    You would think that when the org decides to change the blood doctrine there would be an exodus of witnesses leaving but the reality is far from this.

    When people believe you truly represent the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe, they can tell you practically anything and it will be believed. And when it fails to pass, its simply brushed off as "not the appropriate time."

    Then again the org may never change the doctrine as it may face a backlash of angry parents and relatives. This could result in even more lawsuits for the org.

  • Honesty

    It sounds like she was blaming her doctor when she should have been blaming the wicked elders on the HLC.

    She made her own bed and now she's sleeping in it.

  • Ignoranceisbliss

    These stories break my heart. It's good for me to read it. It reinforces how awful the effects of the organization that I am still in can be.

  • peggy

    My daughter would have been DEAD 61/2 years by now...if her husband hadn't done the RIGHT THING! He approved a blood transfusion just in time! She gave birth to my grandson by C-section and was released from the hospital 3 days later only to hemorrhage a few hours later at home. I watched the life drain from her. Her lips were white! The HLC said " her husband better do the right thing", which was...let her die! Well she lived! After 4 bags of red, 2 bags of white and a bag of plasma. Still her blood count after all that was only 23.

  • Jeannette

    Good for you, Peggy. This case is so, so sad. Just pathetic.

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