Who's Saying What?

by Psychdigg 22 Replies latest social current

  • Lieu

    Consent laws pertain to "government agents" (ie police, etc.), not citizens.

    The general citizenry can tape whatever they want.

    As for police, well...we just get a Search and Seizure Warrant (wiretap) which is, for all purposes, a "one party" telephone eavesdropping license.

    For face-to face taped encounters, police only need 'one party' consent.

  • ThatSucks


    :: Also is the voices of the two parties in the phone conversation identified correctly? Who was saying Yup..Yup...Yup? And who was saying the longer sentences about what to do? It was very unclear. In fact the person who was identified as the Watchtower representative had a southern accent not unlike Bill Bowens. Did something get screwed up?

    The answers to your questions:

    1. Yes, both parties were identified correctly, as only two parties spoke on the phone.

    2. Bowen was saying YEP, YEP, YEP, because THE PERSON ON THE WT LEGAL END WAS TALKING.

    3. The WT LEGAL person was saying what to do. That is who BB was saying YEP to.

    4. It was very unclear to you because you don't want to believe it happened.

    5. I disagree that the person talking to bowen had a southern accent. He definately said Jehhovah, not Juhowvah. Don't call fiction fact. It just makes you look delusional.

    6. Yes. Your perceptions got very screwed up.

  • Farkel


    : There are countless elders in the organization that feel as Bill Bowen does that they are above the law. Bill Bowen is just the other side of the same coin.

    What "law" was broken? Please cite your references. If you can't do that you are talking out of your ass.


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