Buffalo JW's in a panic!

by nowwhat? 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    When Mt. St. Helens exploded in 1980...The elders called Bethell to see if it was OK to cancel meetings and field service.

    Future WT Study article:

    "Imitate Noah- He Preached and Built an Ark Despite Volcanic Eruptions and 20 Feet of Snow"

    Subheading one: "Pussy? Or Preacher?"


    As Ray Franz mentioned in CoC, it's a pathetic situation when grown men have to call Brooklyn to get permission on decisions they should be able to make themselves based on reason and common sense.

  • Crazyguy

    What a bunch of Pussys, the JW's in the Philippines went to their regular meeting night and road out the Typhoon the next early morning. Half in one congregation died but that doesn't matter they were in gods house doing gods work. I mean actually they were in a building screaming a gods name that he would save them and nothing happen, BUT that does'nt Matter!!!!!

  • talesin

    When I was young we went in Field Service in blizzards, with snow up to our waists, and there was no Tim Horton's!

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Millions Now Frozen Will Never Thaw.

  • steve2

    Pete -LOL wonderfully worded And an observation that is true on so many levels.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    They have that figured out... Text each other and count these as RVs.

  • carla

    If they grabbed a shovel and shoveled their way to someone's door perhaps the householder would be willing to listen to the spiel! I think the Mormons would offer to shovel people out, they are helpful that way.

  • WingCommander

    If YHWH wants them to go house to house, he should part the snow drifts like he did the Red Sea. I mean c'mon, this is life-saving work that MUST be done!

    Nevermind. I see that instead of parting the drifts he is sending the Sun God Ra out to melt all the snow this weekend and cause flooding, the likes of which hasn't been seen since Noah's Day. Whoooaa.....to all the pregnant women in Buffalo, NY!

  • Brainfloss

    Text messages count as return visits.

  • Heaven

    Satan must be currently focused on Buffalo.

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