Michael Brown verdict discussion policy

by Simon 254 Replies latest forum announcements

  • designs

    ...must work on Wry humor....

  • AlphaMan

    No indictment against Officer Wilson. The evidence & testimony supporting Officer Wilson's version of the events is overwhelming. Justice has prevailed.

  • Finkelstein

    Disappointed in the decision , there is no question that Micheal Brown was the agitating aggressor in this incident

    but I fail to see the justification to execute him by lethal force. There seems to be two separately occurring circumstances to this event, one close

    in proximity at the police car and again further away from the police car down the street.

    After the shots were fired at the police car, Micheal Brown started to leave probably shocked himself of what happen in the altercation there with officer Wilson.

    Officer Wilson then went after Brown on foot, where Brown foolishly made another aggressive posture at Wilson when Wilson shot at Brown multiple times.


    You have to keep in mind that Micheal Brown was not armed with any weapon during the struggling altercation at the police car or when he tried to leave the scene. ???



    As bad as behavior Micheal Brown conducted himself that day I still fail to see the justication for that officer to execute him by lethal force.

    Perhaps it was a turmoil of mixed emotions with a bit of anger that Wilson lost control of the situation ???

    I could see a manslaughter charge being levied at Officer Wilson for his actions and a inappropriate abuse of power.

    Police get into physical altercations every day when they are on patrol, to say its OK to pull out their guns and kill a unarmored citizen during an altercation

    is to me going out of abounds of applicable force.

    A call had gone out to dispatch that shots were fired, that right away puts police on full alert with guns draw, something that heighten the incident probably in the wrong direction.

    What probably should have happened was Wilson should have waited for back up officers to arrive or at least follow Brown until they did arrive and then attempt

    an apprehension with more officers attending.

    I am not looking at this incident from a race perspective but one on fair and equal justest, although many in the US and elsewhere are going to see this case just as that


  • sooner7nc

    Execute. You keep using that word but I don't think it means what you think it means.

  • Simon

    He wasn't executed, he was killed as a result of his own poor behavior and choices.

    The discussion can continue on a separate thread - this was to ask people not to make false claims like this,

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