Will the Watchtower Society ever come clean to its members?

by sparky1 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • millie210

    They dont want to.

    It would take a new Governing Body.

    They are too afraid that saying ANYTHING will look like they arent "spirit" backed annointed ones.

    They really have backed themselves in to a corner havent they?

    The only thing saving them is the real estate deals that were very smart. I guess that is why they are focusing on that still. Buying property and using free labor to enahnce it. Hold it and flip it is all they really have financially.

  • Finkelstein

    There are really two important elements of corruption in the formation of this organization, one being how they preteniously lied

    to lure people into their power and control by utilising their own printed works and how they lie and keep people into their power and control

    by mental indoctrination and braiwahsing their inhernents with more fear induced ignorance.


    The WTS. heads are not the kind of intellectually honest people who would openly admit something so damaging or injurious to their own power

    and status within the organization.

    They know very well what could happen to them for speaking out loudly against doctrines, even if they were speaking correctly.


    Bares well to also keep in mind that these men are living off the proceeds of the organization and needfully for themselves as they get into their elderly years to keep

    the organization on going for their own living lifestyle. $$$

    This organization was created and founded on ignorance, fear and corruption, therefore it has to sustain itself on that established platform.


  • flipper

    No, it's 1984 all over again. The WT Society NEVER comes clean about anything. They rinse, flush former teachings down the toilet, then re-create new teachings. So that newbie JW's won't even know that they had insane old teachings. AKA known as 1975

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