Elders are going to the CO on me

by cognac 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs

    Isn't it fun to be hounded by this religion....

  • cognac

    For some reason the elders asked my husband if he ever talked to my dad about the situation. Apparently, he did but my dad was completely unhelpful. Wonder if they are going to drag my dad into this or are even going after him for some reason. I mean, why bring up my dad?

  • SadElder

    Do not trust them. Many elders talk out of both sies of their mouths and will puppet whatever the CO tells them to do. I know of several instances where the elders were told some time after the fact that they should df certain ones, and they did it.

  • 3rdgen

    cognac, First, I want to applaud you for taking control of your life so cleverly.You have given your husband and the elders the choice to do things the easy way or the DF way and the consequences that will result. Elders are fully aware that "Mother" will throw them under the bus legally if they are sued. They brought up your father because if he is an elder they would prefer to pass this hot potato (your case) over to him so they can weasel out of it saying "it has been handled."

  • cognac

    @3rdgen - My father is in a different congregation though.

  • 3rdgen

    You bring up a good point about the possiblity of them attempting to use your child as a witness against you. Just remind them they can't have it both ways. If a 6 yo is NOT considered by the WBT$ to be a "credible witness" to their molestation/rape then your 5 yo is also too young to be questioned.

  • cognac

    @3rdgen - If they are willing to use my child as a witness against me I highly doubt I'd be able to reason that with them.

  • Oubliette

    You need to absolutely insist that your children canNOT be pawns in this little drama of theirs.

    This is non-negotiable.

  • Finkelstein

    that I should not be worried about getting disfellowshipped.

    Thats just bullshit to lure you into a meeting so they can do just that.

    Remember elders and all JWS are taught to lie if need be to achieve their objective of standing up for the organization (cult).

    Personally I think your husband is an asshole for starting all of this in the first place.

    After all your just a stupid woman who should be in subjection to your husband and all the other men down at the lying Hall.

  • Balaamsass2

    Watchtower land is in a time warp. I think the CO & WTBTS might be caught off guard if they had to face off against a female Attorney, Female Psychologist, and possibly a female Family Court Judge while trying to enforce cult beliefs on a woman protecting her female children.

    If the Elders are trying to Slander you,disparage you as a parent, and break -up your marriage..in some US states they still have "Alienation of Affection" laws. Just thinking out loud.

    Kudos to you giving them something to think about and standing up for your children.

    Of course the CO has nothing to loose, and may get hard nosed and tell them to treat you like a "Jezzebel" or an "Apostate" who is "walking disorderly".

    Last I heard, Elders were told to STOP judicial cases when threatened by attorneys and forward them to the Service Desk...where they tended to disappear in an overfilled in-box.

    The wife and I are impressed by your gumption! Go get 'em tiger!

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