What would it take to get you outa there?

by sparrowdown 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • sparrowdown

    I have a question for any still going to meetings but no longer a believer.

    Is there any situation or announcement that would cause you to

    draw your line in the sand and walk away?

    If so, what would be your "last straw" moment?

    A few examples of what ifs might be,

    a dear friend or loved one was victimized

    they announced that there would be no more live talks

    only streaming and pre recorded talks of GB members?

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    It's ridiculous enough as it is, we have enough reasons to leave, the only thing that's holding me back is elderly parents.

  • Ocean1111

    I think overall, like the Titanic, organizational dissolution and Bethel cancelling its own ministry in the process is what may get through to some of the mass JW herd. And since the world system has to run its course in that aftermath JWs will start to percieve what went wrong and why, imo. When the object of faith in men and org goes down any with that faith will also have a "test of faith", unfortunately in the wrong things which is what Bethel's system has become.

    Due to the steady contraction in growth and even possibly concealed contraction in actual JW numbers, gradually Bethel is itself killing the potential numbers by their own policies, so in a way many have finally left as Bethel's fruitage is not a good overall influence. The congregations already have taken on the ice water, but apparently it has been so gradual few care, notice or live in denial that all the worst principles of the Bible, "fulfill" right in JWs.

    But JWs are the last victims, when the ship goes down hopefully we treat the JW survivors better then they treated their shunned brothers and sisters. They are partly too blame for condoning the Bethel tyrants, but Bethel is the lead icemen. What JWs can kiss good bye is anything they ever gave to that ship, imo, it will be gone in a matter of a couple years, from the time the "self fulfilling prophecy" begins to activate on the Bethel Titanic.

    The GB is the rogue captain that took over the controls in 1976, and that is the experimental management that has fully failed, JWs just do not know it yet. Imo, Bethel ends long before the world system even culminates into final global management systems. The premature end scenario is what keeps many JWs there. If they plainly told JWs the truth, that it goes on a number of more years, many JWs would leave. If the fear magnet was depowered JWs could comfortably abandon ship, but Bethel won't become truthful because they will not take a bite out of their free paycheck.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Basically anything that I could use to convince the wife that I was leaving in order to take the moral high ground. Obviously there's no shortage of issues with the cult that fall into that category, but since they're not new, it's difficult to take a stand on something thats been going on for decades.

    A perfect example would be if they made blood transfusions a conscience matter. enforced tithing would do it, as well as a few other things. In lieu of that, I'll just continue to point out their lies as they come until they've added up enough that I can sell my leaving over that without setting off apostate alarm bells.

  • Crazyguy

    The blood doctrine was the last straw for me and the pedophile coverups are the icing on the satanic cake. If there was a Satan this would be his pride and joy organization.

  • Ignoranceisbliss

    That's an interesting question and a good mind exercise. I'm not sure what could get me to quit. The fear of losing my family is intense. They really are all that I have in life.


    I have already told my wife about the Pedo stuff and read from the Walsh trial to her. If some Pedo info comes to light, I will bring it up again. I honestly think that we can do the most good by informing anyone we know about TTATT. Tell ANYONE you can! Tell your workmates. Tell your spouse's workmates. Leave info EVERYWHERE!!

    I believe that many, many more dubs will fade when normal people they know from work, or the grocery store, or neighbors get in their face about Pedo issues. They adore the GB and are Xians because they follow personalities. They trust the ORG. The very instant you learn that the GB have no special power, you question everything. Questioning is the absolute worst thing a dub can do, and the GB know it. That is why all their efforts go towards spin, emotional manipulation and cover-ups.

    A person leaves Jwism because they cannot stand to live a lie. Some of us fake it for family, but it's temporary. The moment I get my chance to disappear, I'm gone.

  • sparrowdown

    Someone said (and I'm not sure who) that,

    "people only change when it becomes too uncomfortable for them not to"

    So if your discomfort for staying is the same as your discomfort at the

    thought of leaving you are probably in constant discomfort

    Eventually to end the discomfort the cost of staying has to become greater than the fear of leaving.

  • Phizzy

    Good thread sparrowdown.

    It identifies that the most potent weapon the WT/JW Org has is fear of losing family. I wonder how we can help people overcome this ,very real, fear ? if we can help at all ?

    I had the same fear, but came to the point where I could no longer stay, whatever the cost of leaving, I simply could no longer be part of it, could no longer pretend.

    I did not know if Mrs Phizzy would come along with me, or if she would bring an end to our marriage perhaps. I did not know if my JW family would totally shun me. Neither of these awful scenarios happened. I was lucky.

    I do happen to feel that there may come a point for many where their own personal integrity, and their own self-respect, are tested to such a degree that, like me, they can do nothing but leave.

  • bigmac

    the only thing that's holding me back is elderly parents.

    yes--i suspect this is quite common. i was lucky--my dub parents never turned their back on me--although they suffered the consequences to a degree.

    however---there is a double whammy here for the cult:

    when these elderly parents pass on--the wts will lose those members--------which will then leave the doubting younger generation free to quit ---so double losses for the cult. good result.

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