"Confidential" JW.ORG Video Project Leaked

by Emery 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    "You wouldn't know Jehovah's Witnesses made the video by the way it's being made."

    I think the "torture stake" in place of a cross would be the first dead giveaway....

  • WingCommander

    I just bet HeadQuarters sent some young hipster dufos JW's down to Florida to enroll in the cinema/film production courses at "Full Sail University." That's not really a University at all, but a for-profit tech school that rapes people for a good $100,000 USD and gives the "students" a diploma that is only good for wiping their behinds with since it's not recognized or accreditted anywhere else.

    I think it's funny that the WT opened their new "education facility" down in Florida. That's where a lot of these for-profit scam schools are located. Might as well add another one to the list!

    Anyway, I'm sure they're going to start producing all kinds of multimedia gimmick crap that will confuse people into believing they are as harmless as Mormons, but not quite as crazy as Scientologists. **GAG**

    This pseudo-religious CULT has truly jumped the ship and evolved into a modern day American fraud. This is just another facet of their deception. Satan is after all, an "Angel of Light."

    - Wing Commander

  • Vidiot

    "You wouldn't know Jehovah's Witnesses made the video by the way it's being made."

    'Cept for the part where the name "Jehovah" is used in all the dialogue instead of "Lord", and Jesus is nailed to an upright stake instead of a cross.

    I'd have though those might be fairly strong indicators.


    You wouldn't know they'd produced the new TV broadcasting by the way it's being made, either, though.

    The way they're going, the WTS JW.org is going to look almost indistinguishable from the rest of the (American) evangelical megachurch subculture before too long (at least on the surface)... "unexpected and impractical instructions (from a human standpoint)", indeed.


    Actually, now that I think about it, it's kind of appropriate in a weird way.

    The WTS has its origins in mid-19th century evangelical Protestanism, after all.


    The video starts off with Joseph and Mary in a manger and there's even a donkey in it.

    Sounds like the WBT$ has Spared No Expense..http://i854.photobucket.com/albums/ab110/GeneralWaco/thsmilie_happy_251.gif


  • sir82

    The video starts off with Joseph and Mary in a manger and there's even a donkey in it.

    Comment heard offscreen form one of the shepherds: "Nice ass, Mary!"

    I'm going to burn in hell for that one, ain't I?

  • Balaamsass2

    "Even a DONKEY?? "

  • out4good3

    Comment heard offscreen form one of the shepherds: "Nice ass, Mary!"

    Which "ass" he was complimenting?

    Hers or the donkey.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Except we go to watch Iron Man to be entertained, no one really believes he's going to be our savior when Loki, erm, I mean Satan attacks.

    Of course not. That's what Thor is there for.

  • suavojr


  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I don't think the video will make it too evident that Jesus died on a stake and not a cross . . . well if Watchtower is smart, it wouldn't. They will try to avoid putting anything in the video that could cause anyone to have a reason to object to attending the memorial. If the video plainly shows Jesus on a stake, then it would cause householders to raise questions or objections that would keep the JWs at the door longer instead hurrying to the next door to invite as many as possible. So I think the video will be as mainstream as possible featuring only elements that most if not all christians agree with.

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