Not on : Update: FOUR Connecticut Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse victims sue Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

by Balaamsass2 37 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Why can't the elders check the sex offender registry to see if perhaps some prudent guidelines are necessary? I stumbled upon a situation in my former town. The state registry showed many offenders living in the town. My sister teaches Catholic doctrine to children. The Roman Catholic Church requires extensive documentation, training, and put certain rules in place to lower law suits. Hardly any people in my sister's parish were donating money to the archdiocese to send a clear signal to church authorities where the parish lay people stood on sexual abuse.

    It will be interesting to see what happens at the summary judgment stage.

  • Balaamsass2
  • joe134cd

    So correct me if I'm wrong. This is 2 new new law suites this week e.g Connecticut & Texas. Please clarify. I reckon the GB must be soiling their undies at the moment. Clearly this has to be their biggest concern in the way moving forward.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I am certain the WT is prepared. Every religion is being sued. It is very easy to file lawsuits. Discovery will involve depositions. People file law suits without merit. We don't know what proof is available. Local juries filter claims in different ways. The WT, the local KH may not be liable. Don't count your chicks until they are hatched. These lawsuits must be defended. Before I condemn a person or institution, I want to hear sworn testimony under cross-examination.

  • antes8080

    How many Cases have come up in the pass 3 months i think they have epedemic in there hands

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    When you consider the size and assets of Jehovah's Witnesses, this is no epidemic. Lawsuits are routine for any business or organization of a certain size. The WT is in a better legal position than the Roman Catholic Church b/c of the organizational structure. I imagine every religion is being sued. In fact, I suspect that members of main stream religions might be even more likely to sue b/c these people are not so enmeshed and isolated. Their boundaries and sense of outrage has not been compromised. Members here post comments from their Witness relatives that the organization is now perfect under Jehovah's protection. It cannot happen to their children. Santa Claus exists.

    The number of lawsuits filed is not a sign of an organization under stress. Actual settlements and damage awards, finalized on appeal, are a much better measure. Don't get your hopes up.

  • metatron

    "in a better legal position than the Catholic Church"?

    I'm not clear why this should be the case. I raised the point about the CO's new absolute authority on a different thread and was assured that 'agency' still persists.

    The WTS does not have Catholic level assets - but could they be held liable for Catholic level damages?

    Furthermore, they do not have clerical privilege unlike priests. As a matter of structure, their 'call Bethel first' attitude looks to me like a potential disaster because it involves HQ in knowledge of a serious crime - that would not exist if they simply told elders, "inform the authorities and don't tell us".

    It also appears to me that the typical Witness 'firewall' of secrecy is breaking down. A Witness now can expose all sorts of wrongdoing discreetly, without getting identified - and that the lure of lawsuit rewards may trigger yet more exposure and defeats.


  • sir82

    Furthermore, they do not have clerical privilege unlike priests.

    An excellent point to keep in mind.

    (1) "Confessions" in a judicial case are made to 3 elders, not 1 (6 if it goes to appeal), (2) summaries of those confessions are written down and filed for a minimum of 7 years, and (3) they are also shared with (potentially) every single person in the WT Service dept.

  • metatron

    It also seems to me that courts do not need to concern themselves with the viability of a religious organization in lawsuits. If they go bankrupt, tough luck.

    As to secrecy breaking down, I continue to wonder about the case the Society settled for 1.5 million dollars in which a Bethelite hit somebody with his car. Who gave the other side information about the standards and duties of a Bethelite? Such as being exemplary in meeting attendance and field service such that he might be considered an employee and not a volunteer?

    In an organization thick with pretense, I would be worried if I was the GB.


  • joe134cd

    About the level of secrecy breaking down. I was watching a video on you tube the other night regarding ex-LDS. I had to have a laugh to myself as one of the picketers standing out side the temple had a sign that read "Google will set you free". I thought Gosh how true that was.

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