Bush finally snaps

by bboyneko 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    If the critsisizm of your favirote president since the slave-owning thomas jefferson gets to you, please attack the argument not the arguer.
    Cheap shot at a 21st century person trying to 'moralize' an 18th century public figure....I bet you're good at Monday morning quarterbacking too......historically speaking, your YOUTH is showing. I've too been through 11 Presidents, and I can't agree more with Farkel.
  • bboyneko

    D8TA, just because someone has a low opinion of a leader who keeps a 'score card' of terrorists who he can put an X over as they are killed and mocks reporters on national television instead of answering valid questions does not mean he or she is less educated than you.

    I assume you base your high standards of intelligence on your own opinions on social/political/philosophical matters. Anyone who falls short of your standards of judgment is obviously less educated, or so you infer.

    D8TA, the reason I'm posting this is;
    I hope you are and/or considering in putting an effort to pursue some form of education (Middle School) beyond Elementary School. This will (hopefully) expose your mind to diverse ideas within a realm of diverse people. This will (hopefully) lead you to sharpening your own mind and not let others sharpen it for you.

    I'll await your post emblazoned with another image from the national media, a force that molds others minds and likes/dislikes that you choose to represent yourself. But then again, you do not let others sharpen your mind for you, do you?

  • bboyneko
    Cheap shot at a 21st century person trying to 'moralize' an 18th century public figure....I bet you're good at Monday morning quarterbacking too

    I have not been US President, and neither have you. In the case of Monday morning quarterbacking, if you have watched 300 football games and I only 100, we both have never been a quarterback. It's still our opinions on what should be done.

    So since morals are not valid on 200+ year old figures, I guess there was nothing wrong with the inquesition or that Vlad the impaler was a great noble leader for his people.

  • D8TA

    Bboy said:

    someone has a low opinion of a leader who keeps a 'score card' of terrorists who he can put an X over as they are killed and mocks reporters on national television instead of answering valid questions
    and said:

    I assume you base your high standards of intelligence on your own opinions on social/political/philosophical matters. Anyone who falls short of your standards of judgment is obviously less educated, or so you infer.

    Okay, I was sugar coating my post because I don't harbor any ill feelings against you. My goal was to encourage you to pursue a path that will sharpen your opinion and thought. That the path will take you beyond remedial arguments.

    So now, I will deliver it between the eyes:

    The topic post is taking a shot at the way Bush speaks. This is a "grade school" approach. "Hee Hee, Bush is talking silly, Hee Hee".

    As to your response to Farkel with:

    If the critsisizm of your favirote president since the slave-owning thomas jefferson gets to you, please attack the argument not the arguer.
    Okay, if this statement isn't self evident in it self with my argument, please prove me wrong.

    If you were trying to comprehend my message, you would of got the point that I was encouraging you to seek an avenue to aid you in your opinion. I kept the issue presented in this topic out of my first post. You have a voice on what you feel is an important issue. If you wan't to keep it on a "playground" level, that's up to you. But hey, it's your world and I'm just living in it. Take it the way you want.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    So since morals are not valid on 200+ year old figures, I guess there was nothing wrong with the inquesition or that Vlad the impaler was a great noble leader for his people.

    Say what? .... it's apples and oranges... you're trying to judge someone in the 18th century with the benefit of over 200 years of societal progression. Of course slavery was immoral....duh! Study more about the life of Thomas Jefferson and his writings on slavery and come back and have a conversation with more than just 'he was a slave owner'. At best, we can only second guess whatever conditions society and his family rendered him during his time on earth - OUR real connection with Thomas Jefferson is the legacy he and the founding fathers left us with two of the most magnificent man-made documents - The Declaration of Independence and The Bill of Rights. Clearly, we are free to be here writing and opinionating at this moment because of their work and struggle.

  • Perry


    You may not like Bush's policy's , and you may not like his ethnic mannerisms; that was not my point at all. I bet you do "get" his humor though, even if you don't like it.

    I can assure everyone that most of Bush's comments that seem to embarrass so many are on purpose and are meant to disarm and diffuse.

    I watched Bush and French President Chirac in a press conference once. After both answered several tough questions in the wake of 911, Bush mumbled something like, "Do we have time for one more question"? This was after already giving the press warning that the Q and A was about to come to an end.

    In a rare display of humor Chirac said, "Sure, you're the boss."

    Looking surprised, Bush said unbeleivingly, "I'm the Boss?.... Let's eat then"! Then both men walked off the stage.

    I laughed my ass off.

    Double Eagle,

    Excellent points. Sometimes we forget that.

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