Terminology the Society Hates?

by toweragent 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Seldom have I heard of people dating referred to as boyfriend and girlfriend. Its always, "they are dating so and so". Boyfriend/Girlfriend sounds like fornication happening right in front of them!

  • Fernando

    Yup, they sure don't like the word "gospel".

    Oddly enough it appears more than 3,000 times in the Watchtower Library 2012.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    They hate the word 'church',
    when used of the kingdom hall.
    But it truly is such -
    dictionary certified and all.
    And don't say JWs have a 'clergy',
    despite the definition's matching the governing body.

    They are not 'creationists',
    despite believing in creation.
    What deceitful redefinitionists!
    Will this Watchtower stupidity ever be done?

  • GrreatTeacher

    Never say, "Bless you" when someone sneezes. Better to just awkwardly ignore it.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Don't wish someone 'good luck'.

  • exWTslave

    I have been counselled for using even the harmless word "SERMON" on the ground that it is being lavishly used by the Christendom!

  • Ocean1111

    I wonder how one should term Bethel UN NGO when it pops up in a Matthew 24:15 talk? Library club? Research committee? "Mother's" "boyfriend"?

    I would guess Bethel's "smooth word" writing department (Dan11:32a) probably has a standards manual as many "preferred words" and phrases pop up often and all modern propaganda operations use formulaic methods consistently that mix words and messages hypnotically. The Bethel modern brainwash menu is highly polished and enforced for maximum obedience for when summer camp comes. The "organization" is already synonymous with "God", as is the GB "slave", for example. (That kind of diversion to man service will turn out to be a disaster, always has, always will)

    Other delusions programmed into the JW grey matter, that aid the overall agenda and process, must be mathematically applied, and that pattern could be quantified if one wanted to take the time to reverse engineer the WT "diet" for this last JW generation, which is now a foreign body itself, just like the Governing Body central anti-Christian dictation unit rationalized and installed later, for this future effect, is also a "foreign object" to the classic "temple". They are an act that was introduced incrementally.

    But like with any religious error, the more one reads the Bible, like Daniel 11:30-35, 41 and Daniel 8:11-14, Zech3:1-3, the more the Bible has hints exposing the actors, as usual, in time they are the ones who diverge from the "healthful words" and amass their own "sanctified" "teachers". Today's ear tickled JWs have been gradually morphed into today's Bethel TV show and UN doting globalist corporate commercial.

    From my past at the hall "shoot" and "screwed" were not "good words". Like "Shoot! Bethel leadership is who "screwed" Jehovah's witnesses!" would not fly.

  • 3rdgen

    They don't even like you to use THEIR terminology if they have changed it. Informant became Our Kingdom service which became the Kingdom Ministry. Contact point became rendezvous which became meeting for service. I'm sure they're others I have forgotten.

  • 3rdgen

    Don't say podium say speakers stand. Idiotic! The Society doesn't want us to call them the Society anymore either. It's Governing Body, FDS, Mother, or Your Royal Highness

  • Bobcat

    Here is a list of Orwell's 1984 terminology. It is interesting to compare it with the WT world.

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