China overtakes U.S. as the the world's largest economy'--WT predictions upside down?

by exWTslave 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cantleave

    China is apprently the only country in the world where Ferrari advertise on TV

  • Apognophos

    didn`t the JW`s teach that the"eighth king" was the United Nations?

    Yes, my suggestion was that they will replace the U.N. with China. It's probably been awkward for the Society to label the U.N. as the wild beast for a while now, since trying to get cozier with them, and it's pretty implausible that the U.N. will ever move against religion. Whereas a nominally "godless" country taking over the world could be considered to be an overthrow of religion.

  • prologos

    Russia was only the bear, China has been the DRAGON, wild beast, all along. it has a 10 head connection, Hongkong, Tsing-Tau, Macau.----

  • metatron

    The emerging advantage I perceive is that the world is desperate for economic growth. Japan and Europe in general are played out, debt laden and have worsening demographics.

    Meanwhile, China and Russia are lining up nations in alliances that offer the possibility of rapid growth, such as Africa, the 'stan countries and so on. Unlike the US, they tend to avoid getting involved in these nations internal affairs. President Obama has labeled China as a 'free rider' that enjoys the stability that the US provides without contributing much.

    The US still has a lot of natural advantages. It is interesting to watch.


  • redvip2000

    Biggest economy does not equate to biggest superpower or even world leader.

    Unfortunately mismanagement at the highest level is slowly bringing the US down, but we are likely decades away from the US being pushed aside as the most prominent country on earth, assuming it happens

    Just because chinese leaders are fattening their pockets while enslaving their population in factories at minimum wage to assemble trinkets that western middle classes can buy, while polutting their own backyard without any regards for safety, doesn't make them world leaders.

    The United States of America is still the Mecca for business. Chinese brains didn't come with Iphone, they just punch their card on the way to the assembly line to screw the parts together in exchange of some meager shekles which are just enough to buy pork lo mein for the family.

    When we start seeing people desperately jumping the chinese border from other countries to take advantage of the great opportunities they offer, they perhaps we'll know they've arrived.

  • metatron

    The CFR and Foreign Affairs magazine are the very opposite of 'fringe' thinking. Recent articles such as the above I believe are a reasonable indication that the political elite are getting worried about paralysis.

    The authoritarian rule of China tends to look seductive, by contrast, and that's unfortunate.


  • Kalos


    You said it! Seems to be correct evaluation!

  • fulltimestudent

    metatron: The authoritarian rule of China tends to look seductive.

    Umm! Why is assumed that the Chinese government is more "authoritarian," than western goverments? Back in 2003 I took part in a mass demonstration in Sydney. The centre of the city was clogged with something like 200,000 people protesting against Australian involvement in the American inspired Iraq War. The Australian government took no notice of the protest. John Howard (the PM of the time) said he'd promised Bush that Australia would fight in the war, and fight we had to.

    Newspaper polling indicated the same story - most Australian's were opposed to the war.

    Turns out this opposition to the war was right. The Iraq war was a huge mistake. Iraq is wrecked. The grandiose dream of Iraq becoming a beacon of democracy in west Asia turns out to have been a cocaine fuelled nightmare of the American elite.

    I do not recall that John Howard ever apologised, in fact his protege, the present PM, almost wet himself in his anxiety to start bombing the area again.

    In the UK, Tony Blair performed in a similar authoritarian way. Then finding his hands covered in the blood of the innocents, he becomes a Catholic to salve his conscience.

    Another aspect of authoritianism in my country is the fact that polling consistently showing that about 70% of Australians support allowing gay people to marry. The current PM (Abbott) is ideologically opposed to that (he's a committed Christian of the Catholic brand). And he says he will not allow it. So much for the will of the people!!!

    So in what way, is the west NOT authoritarian?

    Democracy does not happen overnight. The commencement of what the west calls democracy, supposedly had its start with the Magna Carta (which had nothing to offer the lower classes, anyway). But allow the MG to be the start of the road to democracy in the English speaking cosmos, and it took over 500 years to "grow" democracy. I do not believe that what the west calls democracy can work. The problem is that the right to vote is a privilege that should carry a concurrent responsibility - the responsibility to be informed when electing government. How many people are informed? How many people 'could be' informed?

    But back to China. Yes! I would agree that sometimes, some levels of government may act in a high-handed way. But, at a recent talk given by Professor Kerry Brown of Sydney University (who can be quite critical of China) he claimed that there were some 200,000 to 500,000 protest demonstrations every year in China. Many of which achieve the goal of the protest.

    I cannot forecast the future of China, but I do not think that the government refuses to listen to what people are saying. In fact, I suggest that the whole point of a mass political party, with a membership of 80,000,000 (that's ab out one party member for every 20 people), is that grassroots opinion can be known and discussed. That's not the way we are used to seeing things done, but maybe we should see where it takes China, before we yell and scream that its wrong.

    Again, as a contrast. In my country, the combined membership of the two major political parties is probably not much more than 50,000 for both parties. (That's about one party member for every 450 people in Australia). Party members have few rights. Each Aussie party (one called Liberal and one called Labour) selects its candidates (with rubber stamping by local branch members) and give you a list of candidates to vote for. Is that really "democracy?" Isn't that just a teeny bit (smile) "authoritarian?"

    When it comes to voting on issues in parliament, is that the party insists that members must vote the party line - the will of the people in the politicians electorate, doesn't matter.

  • Ocean1111

    Actually it will all work out just fine for WT fiction department, imo.

    The trick at Watchtower writing will be to continue the globalization-does-NOT-equate-to-world-government mental backwardization of Jehovah's witnesses so the final cycle requirement is not comprehended - instead it is simply "the end". That is continue the delusion the "7th King" "King South" is now nationally dominant in finality, when in fact globalizing world power, the actual King North "8th King" globalizing engineering, have been clearly existent since even the WW1 "gravy train" and Federal Reserve monetary global plumbing founding (1913), and that has four cycles, a last one is required. In fact there has been, for the last 100 years, a national power system "south" and progressively dominant GLOBALIST "north" power system "polarity" identifiable in global reality.

    "North", "top of the world", "south", "bottom of the world", globalist versus national. It is actually quite in-the-face obvious now. As the "north" "south" concept simplifies it goes global at the same time in both "poles". Shoot, half the videos on YouTube are probably about world government.

    For Bethel to act like they do not see that simple logic is, of course, SUSPECT. Geez, Canadian tweenagers do their own documentaries on that reality of world power, everyone and his mother, but Bethel, knows about the super-corporate based financial and military globalizing power system and their generic national sovereign target. Bethel acts as if it is 1921 forever and ever, so JWs will be dated dupes while "from the mouth of babes" little kids expose the real global system on YouTube, for God knows JWs don't say a peep about anything of modern relevance due to Bethel subversion.

    For example, "King South" did not implement the Federal Reserve, the "King North" globalizing bankers in a private global super-corporation did that through the US national system. Now ALL the central banks hub to London and the Fed, NONE of them answer to national governments, the super-bankers give them the orders and the debts. (Hence how Dan11:42-43 is set-up: national debt, globalist "master creditor", very simple)

    This is now all old hat historical information to many people. This is not avant-garde "investigative journalism", this is how it is to anyone doing a bit of beyond-the-mainstream research. This is rapper lyric fodder now, even they are looking for fresher subject matter.

    Thus Bethel ACTING like the "USSR" was "King North" is ridiculous, when obviously Daniel 11:45 is BLATANT world government only capable in the "NORTH" 8TH KING globalized system. That gives the deceptive WT writing dept. a perfect final diversion opportunity to prop in Russia or any other hoax decoy "King North" proxy "bogeyman" for opposing the real globalist King North (8th King) final move to world government (Dan11:42-43), and sell that to JWs as "Daniel 11:44 brothers!" as Bethel goes through its own corporate "controlled demolition".

    Thus WT "writing" has a perfect exit strategy and a dense smokescreen to leave behind to envelope JWs for quite some time as JWs ride the Org-Titanic all the way down, believing such blatant GB stringed deluded fictions. JW "theology" has now been arranged into a handy false "self fulfilling prophecy" that can implode the org, and JWs will think "prophecy fulfills brothers! get ready to welcome Jesus home!", when King North is who "comes home" first as world government.

    How many years will it take for JWs to even start scratching their heads when this Bethel coup really hits and passes? We can only guess.

    It will NOT be the JW pumped "the end". In reality the final actually "King North" opposing US/UK "King South" and "7th King" national sovereignty will be neutralized by financial checkmate (Dan11:42-43), "flattened" in the global "normalization" of sovereign impotence and equalized (Rev17:11-18) with everyone else in the national global system into "King North" world government to dominate its particular regional union, as "Queen South", as all equate to the final system prior to you know whos arrival. "King South" "HE", becomes the subservient "Queen South" "she" in Daniel 11:42—just like old school Cleopatra, the last "Pharaoh" of "Egypt". We get it now, its common sense.

    If they pop in Hillary Clinton, "neo-Egypt" "queen south", as US President,... well that would be just too poetic.

    The US, Brit, China, Ruskies, etc all "goes down" in national sovereign independence into "8th" "King" final globalized sovereign domination. It is now just common sense, one can explain it without prophecy as well, it is just logic the 7th King is deposed by the 8th, hence 7-to-8, hence "south" and "north", hence world government sovereignty absorbs the national sovereigns in time. It is logical national sovereignty is not the ultimate sovereignty, it just individually nationally conglomerates into world government ultimate sovereignty (Rev16:13-16), one last cyclic transition is still required, it is not "the end", it is a final CYCLE about to START.

    JWs will have aided the process for quite some time by covering up the obvious logic "King" "NORTH" means world government, always has, easy to see, it is what it is. Bethel is just another "King North" system global "invasion" (Dan11:40) as Daniel 11:41. (Dan11:32a) Any "new king north everyone!" will meet the King North controlled (Dan11:32a) Bethel agenda. Bethel is now an act and a hoax production factory for the JW disinformation sector to be bewildered when the cycle STARTS. It won't be "the end" but for Bethel, the world system plods along to King North over several final years.

  • smiddy

    Whereas a nominally "godless" country taking over the world could be considered to be an overthrow of religion.

    I wouldnt hold my breath on this one. The USSR was a godless state and where did they end up.?

    And even today their is a certain amount of freedom of religion in mainland china.

    In fact their is a lot of religion still practiced in china.It may not have their official approval but it certainly exists in a big way.

    "Religion" does not only refer to the christian veiw of things .


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