by Terry 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    I exist.

    It all begins with that primary FACT.

    If I don't exist, who is it who just declared: I exist?


    Human existence is contingent upon life-sustaining actions which are indispensible.

    Humans must eat, drink, find shelter, avoid catastrophe--or else existence is very short and often violent.

    Can you choose to NOT eat or drink? Yes. The consequence of that decision is called Death which is non-existence.

    BAD CHOICES are the nullification of that PRIMACY OF EXISTENCE.


    Is life but a dream? Is it all a lie? If you began to believe that were true you could perform a test.

    There is a Philosophy which asserts Life is ruled by our own CONSCIOUSNESS.

    Here is the test: Get in your car and drive toward a brick wall while shouting: "The wall is all in my mind--the wall is only in my mind--I created this wall

    with my thoughts!"

    At the moment of impact, primacy of consciousness is INVALIDATED by the fact of primacy of existence.


    Discerning the difference between what you THINK is true and that which is NOT--is the difference between a good and long life and a short and miserable.


    The primary task which befalls humanity is separating out what is TRUE from what only appears to be.

    For a fly--a Venus Fly Trap appears to be a beautiful way to drink nectar.

    Alas! There is more to that flower than mere appearance!

    This analogy is equally true for humans in everyday life.


    A Fact describes the brick wall for what it IS and not for what the driver might THINK otherwise.

    The following words lead to FALSE FACTS:

    Hope, Belief, Trust, Imagination, Delusion, Superstition . . .


    The greatest invention mankind has produced (besides the printing press) is FALSIFIABILITY.

    Testing an idea to confirm it meets the test of FACT as an accurate description of reality.

    Science tells us how many bricks are in the brick wall.

    FALSIFIABILITY makes us count the bricks.

    OPINION notwithstanding.


    What is the bottom line?

    The most dangerous things in life for human beings are the things which appear to be EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT.

    The testing must come before the committment or else we end up being slowly digested by the beautiful thing which lured us.

    FACTS trump OPINIONS because FACTS are falsifiable.


    Armageddon arrived in 1914.


    How do we know?

    1915 arrived without the death of billions and a perfect godly government.


    1975 was the End of 6,000 years of human existence.


    How do we know?

    1976 arrived and the entire Watchtower religion promotional campaign fizzled into embarassed silence.


    Nothing is absolute.


    How do we know?

    The statement:"Nothing is absolute" is itself an absolute statement!


    Without FACTS we can't balance our checkbooks.

    Without FACTS we plug our lamp into an electric outlet and tomato soup comes out instead of electricity.

    Without FACTS we cannot shoot a rocket to Mars and broadcast images through a robot named ROVER.

    If OPINIONS were just as good as FACTS:

    Elvis is still alive somewhere.

    The Virgin Mary appears on grilled cheese sandwiches.

    The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses are Kings and Priests who will judge all of mankind and we should listen and believe

    everything they say. Even when they get it wrong.

  • sparky1

    STOP MAKING SENSE - The Talking Heads

  • Vanderhoven7

    Well said Terry.

    "Facts, facts,....you can prove anything that's even remotely true with "facts""

    Homer Simpson

  • Terry

    Or, as my favorite teacher use to say, "Don't cloud the issue with facts just to win the argument."

  • Twitch

    The greatest invention mankind has produced (besides the printing press) is FALSIFIABILITY.

    I've heard it said the internal combustion engine ranks that high but I'm rather skeptical of this claim.

  • JamesThomas

    Life in the “everyday world” matrix says that when you drive into the wall, you die (the bricks are solid objects that you can not move through). Inside the box everything is inside the box (even our thoughts...so nothing changes there). Inside the box you see death and blood on the walls, because that is the rule of the box.

    So what's the big deal? Come on Terry, give us something beyond the extremely mundane.

    Perhaps something along the lines of: IS THE WALL SOLID? If you took all the atoms within that big “solid” brick wall that your car ran into, and removed all the empty space within the atoms you would then be left with something so small that you could not see it with the human eye; and what you are left with science can not in fact say is made of solid “matter” either. So, is there a “wall”? What really exists since matter is not made of matter?

    What IS TRUE???

    What is the ONE invisible thing that every person has and shares in-common, that all our entire life's experiences exists in?

    What is this wondrous pool which is closer than close? Where can IT takes us???

  • Finkelstein

    The problem with mankind when there isn't enough facts consumed to form an individualized opinion, we are susceptible to

    appeal to the opinions of others.

    This is how most religious beliefs are formed and structured. ie ... JWS

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Maybe the driver dies in this universe but he still exists in a parallel universe.

  • BluePill2

    In the past months I have been reading a whole lot of books about Consciousness. In my understanding I don't think that consciousness is the same as someone convincing himself that the wall is only imaginary.

    I have experienced moments of very lucid consciousness and it is more of separating your "automatic thought processes" from the stillness that exists when you are not constantly "babbling" in your head.

    Supposedly we have 12.000-60.000 thoughts - or brain flashes - per day (I don't know, haven't counted them), and 80% are repetitive. That "little voice" talking in your head leads you to think: "Oh yeah, that wall is only in my imagination", hence so many people mistake the information in books like "The Secret" or "Law of Attraction" for: hhhhhmmmmmmmmm, lets think very hard about a pack of hundred dollar bills, then sit lazily back and they will appear. The same mistake that JW's do! Let's pretend that the end is coming....I can almost smell the roses in Paradise. THAT thought-process (imagination) is so real that they believe in it (the mind cannot distinguish between reality and imagination - Reality, as you've correctly stated will destroy imagination EVERY SINGLE TIME, because, well, hitting brick walls hurts!)

    Therefore, in my opinion, consciousness is another state of mind, where you become the observer of your own mind. You allow your thoughts to flow ("the voices") but don't follow them down the "rabbit hole". Like a school teacher in a school bus full of screaming and laughing children that is not running from child to child and paying attention to every single word they say. Just notices them, hears them, observes them and decides if he has to approach a certain child for a specific reason!

    In this scenario my "babbling mind" becomes more of a tool that I use at will. It is a wonderful tool to do a task (calculating, planning, writing an email, etc.) but a lousy tool to let it control my Life or steer my day-to-day activities. My mind will wander off, back and forth into the future, the past, imaginary situations that will never happen (positive or negative) and this takes energy and doesn't move me forward IN THE REAL WORLD.

    We allow "automatic thinking" (that was necessary from an evolutionary point of view) to take over and dominate the consciousness (that is like a canvas, or a background in our mind) and ruin everything. Personally I think that "automatic thinking" (drifting) is a by-product of basic instincts from our past evolutionary process (therefore it is logic that they are repetitive). My cat repeats most of her daily routines (signals in her brain tell her to eat, drink, shit and sleep - over and over again). My Life quality has improved since I calmed down my mind to the point where I have more stillness in me and become more focused to attack tasks or daily problems.

    Hope that makes sense. It makes sense to me

    Anyway, thank you for this discussion. Really interesting, would like to hear more from you or others interested in this topic.

  • Vidiot

    If an existentialist falls out of the forest, does anyone give a shit?

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