what tv.jw.org REALLY is

by Nebeska Nada 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    It will backfire for the organisation as it will contribute to even more declining meeting attendance, particularly the mid-week meeting.

    Why go to the meeting on a cold, wet, Wednesday night after a hard day at work when you can just stay at home, put your feet up, and log into tv.jw.org?

  • EdenOne

    I think this TV experiment will prompt the deletion of the mid-week meeting in the long run.

    The "theocratic school" will become a series of instructional videos, and, at regular intervals, publishers will be invited to "publisher schools", special training sessions of one day at the Kingdom Hall - some sort of glorified rehearsal of what they've learned from the videos.


  • punkofnice

    No one will watch it apart from drone JWs and those they force to see it. Perhaps they should have a telly on their apathy trolly so passers by can laugh at the asinine crud that will be broadcast on JW TV.

    .......now for a commercial break...........

  • cultBgone

    They are well aware that younger ones (and many not-so-young ones) are tuned into their wireless devices almost 24/7. It's not a great stretch to stick themselves in the middle of that world so that tech-savvy young ones can be even more firmly brainwashed.

    My young adult child has bought it hook, line and sinker.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    The Rothschilds are simply standardizing what they're already doing in the other religious organizations they own (evangelical, Mormons, Adventists, etc)... They've finally realized that it's time to get their JW religion up to speed before it continues to crumble...

  • DesirousOfChange

    .............the best way to reach their "target audience" -- young, born-in JW children.

    Yes, think about it. . . . where is their growth?

    It is primarily young, born-in children who are being baptized and their future ensnared by this decision.

    JW TV is for those toddlers who are prime candidates for baptism and entrapment at the risk of being shunned.


  • millie210

    I dont see it as a slap in the face to anyone.

    I see it as a reactionary move. They are desperate and this is the result.

    Actually, this is a HUGE admission on their part that they didnt have it right.

    That they have to go mainstream.

    And we ALL know who owns the "mainstream" world according to them, right?

  • Heartofaboy

    Anyways Nebesky........why you got that big ole black hand slappin that perdy white face?


  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Remember the Wt. once had a radio Station and sound cars. That was all high Tech during that time. But when they could really go to the next level with it they closed it all down. Maybe this TV thing will be the same way. The Wt. has always try to make themself look like they are on the cutting edge of Tech things. A movie with sound and in color, radio station, sound cars, phonograph playing records at the door, high speed presses that simultaneously that did multilple languages, internet site and now TV. Many of these things they stop because they felt going door to door was the way to do it. Maybe after the newness wears off they will stop these things and tell everyone to go door to door more. Just a thought. Still Totally ADD

  • rebel8

    Personally, I think the timing is suspicious. I'm sure they're doing this for recruitment purposes, but to go live right now takes a lot of attention away from something very significant: 100 years since 10/1/1914--the date predicted for Armageddon, later revised to occur while the generation was still alive, later revised to overlapping generations.

    1914 remains one of their biggest teachings that is so obviously false. They have taken the wind out of that sail by posting a little...hmmm...look what "some" believed back then...how antiquated "some" were...now let's see something exciting! Bro. Lett tickling our ears in a bad suit.

    jw.org has an Armageddon countdown card on it. seriously.

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