2015 Regional Conventions Baptisms

by Gayle 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2
    The rationale for the GB pushing child baptisms becomes clearer the fewer the current baptisms - especially at Regional Conventions.
  • tim3l0rd
    2014 numbers seemed to jump. I think the biggest reason was the hype over the 100 years of kingdom rule. I sincerely hope that the numbers go negative this year.
  • factfinder
    I think the increase in baptism figures is because younger children are getting baptized.
  • Gayle


    7 baptized, 3,000 attendees. Very low (.2%) especially since the WT is tapping into the under 16 age group also.

  • freddo

    NOT REGIONAL ... but in March at the circuit special day thingamy a UK circuit where a cousin attends which divides into two half circuits to fit in the assembly hall so about 2200 but 1100 on each day - had for the half she attended zero baptisms!

    Unheard of apparently. Normally it's about 5 or 6 in each half.

    The circuit I attended had 12 last October (probably spurred on by just having had the tie in to Twickenham London in August) and only 4 this Spring. So down a bit.

  • Gayle


    36 baptized there. Always higher at Spanish conventions.

    According to the Pew Research Center, the percentage of Witnesses who identify as Latino rose from 24 percent in 2007 to 32 percent in 2014.

  • dropoffyourkeylee
    19 baptized out of 6500 attendance... Second hand report from Dayton, Ohio

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