Atheists and Anger...

by new hope and happiness 27 Replies latest social current

  • Laika

    You seem just about the least angry poster on the forum new hope, you are a delight.

  • steve2

    Anger is a perfectly normal human emotion. It says nothing about the content of one's outlook or belief system. Your outlook is neither "truer" nor (ahem!) "falser" because of anger levels or its absence.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    We need to decide if we want to go along with false hope or reality.

    Agreed Punk, but it's not quite so simple that the world can be divided in to " religiouse" outdated sillyness and " science" a new way.Thats why it's nice to debate and use these forums as a sounding board to balance back and forth our thoughts. But at somepoint action becomes more significent and we must decide...

    I have made my decision and i do not come here to convine or convert anyone. Yet each saturday in the high street i meet religiouse people trying to covert me. They say they have the truth and will pray for me? And i get angry when i politely say sorry i think you are wrong, and they take my personal critisam of their religion as a personal attack.

  • Scully

    Nobody likes to have a label slapped on them. When people find out that I'm atheist, the automatic assumption is that I'm "angry" and "bitter" toward religion. While it's true that I've had numerous personal experiences as a JW that angered me, at its roots, the anger and bitterness comes from having been denied basic human rights as a person by the JW belief system.

    As a consequence, I'm highly sensitized to any trampling on others' human rights. I'm just as bothered when I hear about atrocities against Muslim women in Islamic countries, and supremely frustrated when I see Muslim women in my community accepting their belief system's maltreatment of them - wearing the hijab, for instance, or Muslim women immigrating but being forbidden to learn English by their husbands, or not being permitted to drive or have jobs. It isn't limited to Islam and JWs either. I used to regularly see Mennonite and Orthodox Jewish people, compelled to dress in a certain manner in order to satisfy religious ideologies, not opening up to medical personnel and knowing they had been taught to regard outsiders with distrust.

    It's very hard to see other people in the same kind of mental prison I was fortunate enough to escape from.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Scully thats a great point. I have had people say to me " Not all belivers act like that. I dont act like that"

    and i reply

    " Yet your church belives in hell, dam nation and that gay people are evil are you ok with that?"

    Sadly they are ok with that. And i feel if i can' t let this go. And if i didn't speak out and stand my ground i would be angry with myself. I guess it's my burden of having escaped the watchtower, religiouse hypocracy now angers me.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Thank you Lalika.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    What i have learnt about religion is that it would be wrong of me to spend my life convincing people their faith is wrong. In a away i think however ad long as the opportunity to debate in a healty positive way i will offer my opinion. But i am always open to the thinking my viewpoint is wrong. In fact i think anger has nothing to do with learning about science and life. Thats my conclusion on Athiests and anger.

  • Apognophos

    It's always possible to get a little angry thinking about all the sheer ignorance in the world. When I feel that coming on, I just try to look at the bigger context. If we're just hairless monkeys with bigger brains, then we're actually pretty damn smart. Even someone with an IQ of 80 who doesn't know how many planets are in the solar system still is smarter and more knowledgeable than any non-human animal.

    I think the cause of a lot of anger in the world is the failure of other people to meet the ideals that we set for them in our own head. We may want to live in a perfect world, but that's our problem, not the world's.

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