by Terry 22 Replies latest social current

  • Terry

    I stumbled on to this on YouTube.

    I began watching it. At first I thought it was funny.

    Then, something changed. I began to realize two things.

    First of all, there are 2 sides to this, and both sides have a point.

    If law enforcement does NOT have a LEGAL right to stop and question you . . .

    and if you DO have a right to refuse to comply . . .


    What is your opinion? Is the guy making the video simply a stupid dickhead? Or is he exposing something worth exposing?

    I haven't really decided.

    I'd like your views.

  • Incognito

    Hi Terry,

    What is the video? You didn't post the link.

  • Terry

    Well, DUH--I can't believe I didn't include the link.

    Thanks for telling me.



  • b00mslang

    WTF? Seems that half of those "agents" had Hispanic accents.

    So now this is what it's come down to? Foreign born Hispanics are going to ask American born Gringos for proof of citizenship?

    Bizarro World!

  • prologos

    say multi-cultural society, not 'melting pot' with an agreed-upon traditional common language. . You need to be hispanic to get a federal job.

    The clay and the iron do mix, but fatally weaken the foundation, that the whole world rests on.

  • b00mslang


  • prologos

    well, true, the California anti-mediterranean-fruit-fly agents were state job holders.

    They tried to throw the big book at them.so:

    All that Al-queda and ISIS need,'--- is better Lawyers, and the country will be open to them, or, better training for the people on the ground. case in point:

    One month, +3 days after 9/11 we were stopped by heavily armed officers at a temporary check point ahead of the junction leading to either our home or the shuttle vehicle assembly building, and after a quick question and answer, -waved through. I guessed it payes to be clean shaven, look naive and have a baby on board, even if you have an "alien" plate on yor van.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    The police have to have probable cause to stop a vehicle and detain a person.

    But they can talk to a person and ask questions.

    A person can choose not to answer.

    City police will stop a suspicious vehicle and say right off the bat I stopped you because you

    crossed the traffic line back there, or your light is out. That is probable cause.

    Right away they will tell you that is their probable cause.

    From that point on at the very least they are doing a dui investigation and writing a book that

    they are preparing to throw at you.

    These Federal police are not expecting resistance so

    from the get go they are not announcing their probable cause.

    When the driver resist and the police see they are on camera,

    they have to back down.

    For the police to put up a dui road block in Florida. They have to announce

    in the newspaper a week in advance where the road block will be.

    So people can choose a differnt route.

    If they choose to go by the road block, then they have to stop

    and answer questions, how they answer the questions may lead to a field sobriety test.

    Or a search of their vehicle.

    The person making the video apparently has the right to do as he did,

    not answer their questions.

    We pick and choose our battles.

    The country has a problem with illegal aliens.

    The government in this instance appears to be trying to do something about it.

    But I guess they can't really do anything unless they have probable cause.

    The cops are counting on most people not knowing the law.

    In some respects their hands are tied.

    They cant just go out and stop mexicans because that would be racial profiling.

    They cant be given a directive to do that because that would be racial profiling.

    If they stop someone for crossing the line or equipment failure then they can stop them and

    start investigating.

    This is probably why we have such an illegal immigrant problem.

    We dont want to give up our rights and freedoms because of it.

    If the problem gets to bad the government can declare marshall law and then we will

    loose our freedoms

    I don't want that.

    Maybe the government could raid and arrest houses full of illegal hispanics.

    But people will complain about that also.

    I think that would be better than hassling law abbiding citizens.

    It seems like the government could do some undercover work and find houses full of illegal

    imigrants and that would solve this problem.

    But it comes back to racial profiling again and the aclu.

    How do you find a house full of illegal mexicans without racial profiling?

    It is rediculous.

    Why do you have to stop

    Germans and Irish to find Illlegal mexicans?

    Why does every body at the airport have to be searched to find muslim arab terrorist?

    I think things will go on like this until someone brings in a dirty bomb or something like

    that and then we will all loose our civil liberties.

  • Terry

    I have a deep and abiding FEAR of police even though I know it probably goes back to my 2 years in Federal prison.

    It is probably slightly irrational.

    I would not and could not bring myself to CONFRONT a law enforcement officer. Why? I'm afraid of them.

    I didn't know you could do what this young man did and drive off without being arrested!

    It is a real eye-opener.

    I was uncomfortable with his attitude of disrespect. Probably because I'm an older man. So, you might say I'm conflicted about

    what conclusions I should reach.

    I'll continue reading comments and reflecting on this.

  • Vidiot

    James Brown - "I think things will go on like this until someone brings in a dirty bomb or something like that and then we will all loose our civil liberties."

    Alex Jones was right all along!!!

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