New songs coming

by kneehighmiah 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • punkofnice

    Hmmmm. We shall see. I'm not sure I am convinced to be honest.

    More droning dirges? Help!

    If they need some song lyrics I can not..women and children present!

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    My three ideas:

    139: Won't Get Fooled Again, The Who

    140: Dance Little Sister, The Stones

    141: Knocking on Heaven's Door, Guns & Roses


  • Oubliette

    Why new songs? Armageddon's coming on Thursday, October 2nd, 2014.

  • donuthole

    Oh Governing Body, Faithful & True,

    Feeds Jah's People when Meat is Due.

    Gives to all needed direction,

    to gaurd against any deflec'ion.


    JW.ORG, we share you're URL both far & wide

    as sheeplike ones come and click life's prize.

  • Londo111


    On the back cover of the songbook, embedded in the picture is an aroused member of the male body. I really didn’t believe it, thought the images might’ve been faked online, so I dug up my old bookbag and found the songbook…and sure enough. I showed the cover to non-JWs and it was unmistakable to them as well.

    I’m not in the ‘subliminal art’ crowd, but somebody in the art department had to have done this intentionally. I’m not sure if it was a disgruntled Bethelite, or perhaps someone’s commentary on the quality of the music, but newer versions of the songbook have been corrected.

  • Apognophos

    Hmm. Now I'm morbidly curious. Will have to check my songbook.

  • sir82

    If there are new songs, I hope the "bees that were molested" makes a comeback.

    Or maybe they'll update that too.

    "Pandas that were perturbed"

    "Armadillos that were annoyed"

    "Narwhals that were peeved"

  • toweragent

    I believe it. I just got an email from a friend in bethel that they released them last night to the "family" and they should be available shortly to the public.

  • Apognophos

    Am I the only one who finds it hard to believe that the Society would issue new songbooks just to add three new songs, when they are so desperate to cut their printing costs?

  • joe134cd

    Ok then Londo show us the pics. If they have released new songs I just hope that they have put a bit of life into them.

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