I phones...I dont understand it?

by new hope and happiness 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    When i had my first car it was a 15 year old metro and i was so proud of it. The thing is i didn,t have to cue for it, the seller was pleased to offload it.

    But there i was 19 years old in my 15 year old metro the envy of my friends and chicks to pick up.

    Sadly i never picked those chicks up, not even when i converted to a 10 year old Mondeo.

  • jgnat


    Just sayin'

  • jgnat

    I love my iPHone 4s. I won't be queueing up for the latest. I am ticked off because iOS requires 4 gig's of memory and is demanding I remove all my photos to make room. Well, what in the heck do I have an iPhone for, anyways?

  • Simon

    Of course it's not worth it, even if they were the only phones they were going to make but all they do is get a phone a few weeks earlier than everyone else.

    Some do it for bragging rights so they can show it off. Others are just 'true believers'that are really in a cult. Some do it for money to sell the rare and in demand item to someone with more money and less time to spend living on a street.

    I think it's stupid.

    I queued at midnight one to pickup a preordered game for the kids. That was enough, never again.

    Sometimes there are bargains but many retailers try and get people to panic buy or what people are getting are special cheaper stock.

  • hoser

    it's just a marketing gimmick called scarcity. jehovahs witnesses line up at conventions for new literature that they can get the next day by going to the book room with no waiting in line.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Actuaaly we shouldn't be to hard on Apple and there new iphone. I am sure their hearts are in the right place .

    Anyway my aunt Jgnat wont be QUEUE...ing for one as she lives on a remote island and can' t get an internet signal. I kind of envy my Aunt.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Sorry my aunt isn' t called Jgnat. I meant to reply to Jgnats comment.My aunt is called Bobby.

  • Terry

    I have a favorite phrase which applies to so many things in life pertaining to personal tastes:

    "To those who understand, no explanation is necessary. To those who don't understand, no explanation is possible."

    There is sort of a Latin equivalent:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Terry: as i once said to my uncle who smoke and drunk." why do you waste so much time and money smoking"?

    His reply " Why do you waste so much time in your chuch" ?

    When he gave that reply to me i felt sorry for him.... i am sure he felt sorry for me.

  • jgnat

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