Blown away-- where to go from here

by All for show 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • All for show
    All for show

    I was elated to see so many positive responses. Thank you to everyone.

    We have worldy friends/work associates who all know we are JWs. I don't know how we can fade and become more involved with them without them finding out. They are connected in different ways to some family/jw friends and it seems as though it would all get muddled up. Or, perhaps I am no where near that point. I'm thinking of what/ how things can go down.

    One thing I hate, what a joke service is And how we are judged and our worth is based off how much time we give, not the fact that our service time is an absolute joke! We have witnessed and been a good witness through our college/work lives but no one can see that, therefore there is no worth. We haven't done service all together, as a family, or even a Saturday in almost two years. Wh dress all our kids, to parade around town MAYBE talking to one person, just to be seen by the congregation folks? That's once snippet of annoyance to me. When I have gone out I get put with some 18 -20 year old pioneer girls so they can 'assist and encourage' me and help with whichever kids I have. How ridiculous, I end up taking the doors and they are 'shocked' how well I can speak to householders and such. What this tells me is they have judged me, some punk teenagers with little to No life experience are going to encourage me, a married women with children, and actual life experience. Ha. Ha.

    How most meetings what we hear is so hypocritical is just absurd. And that I am NOT the only one.

  • Oubliette

    No, you are not alone, welcome!

  • Watchtower-Free

    Welcome..................I'm a 3rd generation JW of 50+ years (inactive 3 yrs)

    Its a harmful cult. For your childrens sake keep researching. Many of us

    experienced physical discomfort when we first started waking up.

  • Vidiot

    All for show - "The thoughts, feelings, and concerns I have had the past few years aren't just mine. It's global. Something is wrong and it isn't with me."

    It's a hell of a relief when you realize that, isn't it?


    Know what another one will be?

    Realizing that you're free to come to a conclusion - any conclusion - based on evidence and reason, without feeling hamstrung by ideology.

    That one's really cool.

  • Vidiot

    Magnum - "JWdom has a lot of rock stars: the GB (rock gods), COs, Bethelites, power elders, etc."

    Shame they don't have any actual musical talent.

  • Unlearn

    Don't worry about what other JW's think and 'how it's going to look' and all of that. Those folks, elders, etc all have ZERO power over you. That's hard to come to terms with early on, especially if you were born in. Your entire mind is programmed a certain way...and you'll slowly undo the wiring.
    You ever see an animal that's been abused. A dog, for instance, is very skittish...keeps his head low, won't even look you in the eye. In many ways, that's someone who is just leaving the JW's after a life-time of being 'in'.
    'What will the friends say?'
    'Did they see us?'
    'Be quiet! The Elders are at the door!'

    Trust me, after a while, you won't care. You'll laugh at how you were...and it's a good laugh...because you know we've ALL been there.
    You'll unlearn everything...and you'll be SO happy.
    And you won't have that little feeling in your stomach when you see JW's out there at the store, or at the theater, or wherever you might run into them. You've risen. You're living in the REAL WORLD.
    You're going to be so happy. Watch! ;)

  • SpeedRacer

    Can you emagine going through life with a cold rubber mask on your face because you where told from birth that the air outside would kill you?

    One day the strap breaks off the rubber mask and it falls off.

    You do your best to hold your breath till you can't any longer. Knowing from what you have been told you will die. Letting your breath out you for the first time, you smell the fresh air of fall.

    In your mind you will have these little fears of doubt about how dangerous it is to breath but the freshness fills your lungs.

    You say to yourself WTF! I could have been breathing this fresh wonderful air the whole time!

    The last thing you want to do again is hold your breath.

    I have started the same journey so lets enjoy the ride. Welcome and goodluck in your journey.


  • JWdaughter

    Welcome. Have fun with your beautiful family and enjoy them no matter what else happens, protect that relationship and protect your kids and your marriage if possible. Much love and good wishes to you.

  • suavojr

    You will find out that although we might not agree on how we view the world, God, death, etc... conformity never equals unity.

    Welcome and enjoy the ride!

  • Giordano

    Welcome!! Where did it go wrong? Were they well intentioned and they got too much power? My thoughts are everywhere. wow..

    Hate to tell you this but they got it wrong right from the begining in the WT's own harsh words.

    "according to The Watchtower of 15 November 1980 (pp. 26-7):

    "Like the Israelites of Isaiah's day, the spiritual Israelites sold themselves because of wrong practices and came into bondage to the world empire of false religion, that is to say, to Babylon the Great and to her worldly paramours . . . . An outstanding instance of this occurred during World War I of 1914-1918."

    So Rutherford threw the Bible Students under the bus. Then he went out on a limb " Judge Rutherford's 1925 prophecy, a prophecy which was treated as "the Truth" at the time and which the Watch Tower Society teaches was provided for and served up by the 1900-year-old "faithful and discreet slave." In addition, before its failure, any Bible Student who doubted it was classed by the Society has having gone into spiritual darkness. To be in "the Truth," one had to believe what proved to be false.

    The book Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose makes much of the success of the "Millions campaign," as it calls it. It describes the numbers of lectures given, the books distributed, the increase in numbers among the Bible Students, but it says nothing about the contents of Millions Now Living Will Never Die. That would be embarrassing. What happened in the ranks of the Bible Students when 1925 came, the resurrection of the ancient worthies did not occur, and the earthly phase of reconstruction by Christ did not begin?

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