Why do people support abusers in the NFL?

by Simon 24 Replies latest social current

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Your whole reponse is to try and point the finger to other bad things to try and justify what has gone on

    That isn't at all what I was doing. I was addressing one particular aspect of your post which I happened to disagree with. I acknowledged that the rate of criminal behavior among NFL players is higher. Hence, it's a problem that needs to addressed. Obviously the NFL has failed in doing so.

    I've never defended any of the guilty players or the NFL's handling of their cases or the fans that continue to wear their jerseys(or allow their children to) even when their guilt is clearly demonstrated.

  • digderidoo

    The same reasons Mike Tyson still has his fans I guess. People are blinded by celebrity. Others spring to mind ... Chris Brown, Paul Gascoigne.

  • rocketman

    Two things have finally turned the tide in such matters:

    1. The Ray Rice video

    2. Social Media

    For years, the NFL has been lightly slapping players on the wrist for domestic violonce offenses - one game suspensions in the cases of Dwayne Carsewell (2004), and Brad Hopkins (2005) and Tony McDaniel (2010), for example.

    But then the world saw the video of Rice dragging his unconscious fiancee out of that elevator. And then, of course, we saw the video of what happened inside the elevator.

    With that video combined with Social Media, you now have an instant Grand Jury, ready to pass judgment and possessing enough evidence to do so.

    Underestimating the impact of those two factors (amazingly, corporations and governments still fail to grasp the impact of social media) the NFL was caught with their britches down and botched the entire affair repeatedly.

    People who support these abusers also fail to grasp the import of these factors and have found themselves on the wrong side of history - repeatedly. People who rationalize and justify things like child abuse and abuse of women are finding themselves painted into a corner by their own ignorance being exposed for what it is. Because we now see these things and react to them collectively, the old views of the past are shown up as ignorant and outdated.

    So now, if they go ahead and support abusers, they do so at their own peril. They risk being classed and cast among the ignorant.

  • whathehadas

    It's a part of American society. The country was built on violence and oppression. Americans look to superstar celebrities and envision their life through theirs. Social media has helped drive this even more. It helps build these people up, get followers, and bring them down when accusations arise. People are FOLLOWERS here. You can look good, sound good, or just have a product people like and they will follow you to the edge of a cliff. It's America. However, we can't say that other countries don't have these problems. Many of America's more popular entertainers receive a lot of love from foreign fans and entities.

  • david_10

    Simon, I can't figure it out, either, but it's always been that way.

    Art Donovan, the Hall of Fame defensive lineman for the Colts back in their glory years, made a very prudent observation: "Some real bad people play real good football." It was true back then....it's just as true today.


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