w14 12/15-E Study Edition

by wifibandit 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sir82

    True, but their primary reason for saying "armageddon is soon" is that "things are so much worse now, we must be at the end of the last days, things can't get much worse".

    Meanwhile, for most kids, life keeps getting better & better. And if any are curious about how "things are so much worse now" and want to know more, 30 minutes with google will dispel that myth.

    If I were a GB Pope for a day, and my goal was to retain kids, I'd focus on developing programs that appeal to them here & now. You know, like the youth programs & projects that wicked ol' "Christendom" has been doing for decades.

    But that would require a paradigm shift so huge that the organization wouldn't survive the resulting "earthquake".

  • BU2B

    The part on page 30 paragraph 13 stood out to me where they compared trying out life "in the world" to jumping in front of a moving car on the highway. That is phobia indoctrination 101. Compare life outside the group to getting hit by a speeding car to see how painful it is? Wow. I dont know how people can read this stuff with a straight face, nod and believe it is godly wisdom. The comparison is so flawed that I cannot even formulate clear thoughts about it.

    Also the writing style continues to be dumbed down. It seems that the regular WT is becoming more and more simplistic and dumbed down in its style and wording. The regular edition now is what a simplified edition would have been 2 years ago. The simplified is beginning to read like a Dr Suess book.

  • EndofMysteries

    Let's see, a summary of that WT. The GB loves a cheerful giver, a list of every possible way to give your money and assets to the GB, one must not let the normal cares of life, such as their health, financial support, family, etc, interfere with their service to the GB, young ones should consider forgoing college for service to the GB, parents must make sure their young ones are fully devoted to the GB.

  • KateWild

    What the point of the thread?

    Kate xx

  • punkofnice

    PG4 mentions 'free will'. Is that the same 'free will' that god gave us as long as we don't freely do what we want? As long as we do what he says or die?

    Contributions mentioned with free will? PROPAGANDA!!!

    The paedophile loving watchtower(R) wants dubs to think they are giving cash freely when it's really the GB that need it for their paedophile ring.

    The watchtower(R) is more crap each time they write one.

  • EndofMysteries

    Has outlaw made a joke/photo yet of a WT quote saying they don't pass collections,etc, then showing the full page of every way one should donate? lol

  • EndofMysteries

    O another interesting thing on the WT article, it talks about the prodical son and somehow that relates to the WT when others come back?

    The WT version is prodical son returns, "okay son, going to have to judge you and shun for you a year or 2 so you can prove to me that you really do want to come back"

  • blondie

    What is the point of this post....discussing points regard the named study article, caution about recent statements r egarding copyright, then discussing points from the various articles in that magazine and sidepoints.

  • AnnOMaly

    The part on page 30 paragraph 13 stood out to me where they compared trying out life "in the world" to jumping in front of a moving car on the highway. That is phobia indoctrination 101. Compare life outside the group to getting hit by a speeding car to see how painful it is? Wow. I dont know how people can read this stuff with a straight face, nod and believe it is godly wisdom. The comparison is so flawed that I cannot even formulate clear thoughts about it.

    Yeah, that one struck me too. It was one of the 'Whaaa?' moments.

    If I were a GB Pope for a day, and my goal was to retain kids, I'd focus on developing programs that appeal to them here & now. You know, like the youth programs & projects that wicked ol' "Christendom" has been doing for decades.

    You have a point, sir82. Still, despite its intended audience, it serves to reinforce the phobias on all JWs.


    P. 4 - Classic quote:

    "Jehovah does not want mechanical obedience impelled by threats and coercion."

    ... 'But we do!' thinks the GB.

  • BU2B

    And now elduurs will use the same illustration to "help" people especially born ins who want to try life without the JW noose around their neck. They will perch their glasses on the edge of their nose, have the RNWT closed on the table, and slowly ask.. Think of it this way.. you wouldnt want to jump onto a highway in front of a Mack truck would you? Ahh the wisdom from above.

    This lesson will not help young people to stay. It will not reach their heart. At least in the 60s and early 70s they had 1975 looming when they told their followers not to go to college and get good jobs. At least a young person could rationalize not doing those things because the end was mere months away. Now they do not have that card to play. They are in for the long haul now. Now all they have is promoting fear of the outside world and implanting subconcions and concious phobias about ever leaving. They hope the fear of shunning, and unreasonably thinking the world offers nothing but unwanted pregnancies, STDS and getting hit by cars. Seriously they have been pushing the idea that leaving the WT will get you hit by a car lately. Anyone notice this? It was even in the latest DVD from the RC! The dads story when he tried to keep the son in the WT included a story about a fatal car crash which had nothing to do with the issues, just a blatant implanting of fear onto the idea of ever leaving. Sick fucks.

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