Outrageous Comment

by Yondaime 61 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gorbatchov

    Arround 2003 afternan earthquake in India: the elder told us during the meeting that armageddon would be the same worldwide. Just watching the effects of it I was furious.

    2007: the CO told us that brothers who mentions that the society has to use the internet for preaching are enemy's of the brothers of christ.

    2013: a jw told during the meeting that the society doesn't encourage the use of tablets during the meeting was corrected by the conductor who told that this answer was not quite right.

  • Dis-Member

    Said in the kingdom hall but not on the mic.

    1. Two of the oldest and most mature elder sisters in my congregation told me once: "never go to the elders for anything.. they are like weak little boys"

    2. Said by ministerial servant after platform demo at theocratic ministry school meeting involving exemplary long serving pioneer sister: "Dam that sister is a real bitch"

    I quit meetings a month later.

  • Gorbatchov

    When my grandmother died, some days later, an elder came and asked "you didn't fill in your fieldservice report. Please, don't forget".

  • milola

    Gorbatchov that was said to my father in his home as my mother lay dieing. Sickening idiots. actually it was counseling him as to how he could get in his hours instead of attending to my mother and his grief. Either way they are idiots.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    "Jehovah's Witnesses are the thinkiest people in the World" - Tony Morris III

  • stuckinarut2

    Oh I almost forgot this one!

    "don't you just love tearing at the spiritual meat that the society dishes up for us each week at our wt studies?"

    (all I could think of was 'walking dead')

  • molybdenum

    Talking about the internet.

    One elder encouraging the "non use" of the internet

    said a while ago "actually it should be called Satans net. "

    Lots of head nodding..

    Wonder what they think of that comment now, when you can see JW.ORG plastered

    over everything that comes out of that "lets take over the world( or peoples lives) by using the internet "


  • KateWild

    One sister commented about the Iron curtain being in Berlin. The Study conductor did not correct her, I was horrified and at the end of the meeting confirmed with my kids the difference between the iron curtain and the Berlin wall and which was in Russia and Germany.

    Kate xx

  • StephaneLaliberte

    A week after my sister passed away, two elders visited me. They came with their bible and a WT publication and, as in a casual pastorial visit, made me a 15 minute study as to why I should not use the current situation as a reason to "overly" talk with my mother who was disfellowshiped. They reasonned that her husband was responsible for her welfare and thus, I should not seek for an excuse to break the devine law of shunning.

    Unfortunately, I am not exagerating. My only regreat is that I should have stopped them cold and drag their asses out of my house. Unfortunately, I was too much into it, so I simply sat down and nodded yes. Of course, I didn't listen, I kept talking with my mom.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    At my last elder school I went to. Last talk ended with this elder shouting "Are we happy that we have the FDS to teach us elders what we need to do and do we show total obedience to their instruction?" Everyone in the room stood up and clap their hands in agreement. No mention of god or his son. That is when I knew I was in a cult. Still Totally ADD

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