A question for Athiests.

by new hope and happiness 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • Viviane

    Outlaw, do you have any examples of atheists that are angry with God, that actually believe but claim otherwise due to their anger?

  • Oubliette

    I read your OP and have no clear idea what your "Question for Athiests" actually is!?!

    To confuse things, you put question marks on two sentences that are really statemtents.

    The only candidate I could find was this question: "So why do some athiests want to convert?"

    That question makes no sense. Convert to what?

    Probably you have some interesting ideas to discuss but your OP is so convoluted I couldn't follow what you were trying to say.

    At the risk of sound condescending, I suggest you think your posts out more clearly and proofread them before you click on the SUBMIT button.


    Either that's an oxymoron.....Defender of truth


    • Great Depression
    • Jumbo shrimp
    • Cruel to be kind
    • Pain for pleasure
    • Clearly confused
    • Act naturally
    • Beautifully painful
    • Painfully beautiful
    • Deafening silence
    • Pretty ugly
    • Pretty fierce
    • Pretty cruel
    • Definitely maybe
    • Living dead
    • Walking dead
    • Only choice
    • Amazingly awful
    • Alone together
    • Virtual reality
    • Random order

    Next time look the word up before you use it..

    or you mean that some atheists are angry with the things that some believers preach about

    I said what I meant..Don`t try to redefine what I said..

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  • Oubliette

    Viviane: do you have any examples of atheists that are angry with God ... ?

    That's actually an interesting question. I've known quite a few people that say they are atheists, and--when asked why they are atheists--they say because they are angry at God.

    When I point out the inherent contradiction in this position--that being an "atheist" means not believing God, therefore they are angry at nothing--they generally get upset.

    Being angry at God is not a good reason to be an atheist.

    I certainly understand their anger and rage. Nevertheless, those people should find ways to resolve their anger in a healthy way. Part of that includes thinking through the implications of their own beliefs, how they came to have them and the validity, or lack thereof, of those beliefs.

    Usually, they'll find that their anger should be directed at some institution that claimed to speak for God.

  • Oubliette


    "Atheism is a religion like abstinence is a sex position." -Bill Maher


    The Abstinence Sex Position


  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    ADCMS:- Thanks for the quote may i post on my " quote" thread.

    Anyway i feel enthusiastic about life now that i feel free from al W.T holds. Did you know the word ENTHUSIASM comes from tje latin words En ThUs, which means - The God Within." in other words i think to myself if as individuals we can live our life with enthusiasm - we are on the right path, and we can be united in life, regardless of belief.

    Thats how i ended up in Church last week, a member of the congregation was displaying his art and well he was well renound, but he embraced my enthusiasm and kindly accepted an invite to my home to look at my art. It was nice and there was none of the " its a beautiful God created morning" .

    I could go on about the good work the people in that congregation do for tje poor in tje community, but my point is its how people act on thete beliefs that count. I think that is an individual thing.

  • Viviane

    When I point out the inherent contradiction in this position--that being an "atheist" means not believing God, therefore they are angry at nothing--they generally get upset.

    So that person is not an atheist, they just have a poor vocabulary.

    Next time look the word up before you use it..

    Outlaw, if, as we can see below, an oxymoron is a firgure of speech that is contradictory, it's consistent with the idea of an oxymoron even not necessarily keeping with the strict terms of what makes up a "figure of speech". As we can see above, those claiming to be atheists AND angry with God aren't atheists, they just have a poor vocabulary, much like those claiming to believe in personal liberty and smaller government while at the same time saying the government should make homosexuality illegal. noun noun: oxymoron ; plural noun: oxymorons

    1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g., faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).
  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Ouböiette: thanks for the constructive comments.

    In my defence it could be plausible that i am just a f,cking idiot? LOL.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    It`s like Being Angry at the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy..

    I am angry at both, Outlaw.

    The Easter Bunny ate all my carrots and The Tooth Fairy took my tooth without paying for it (the worst part is the tooth was still in my mouth. Biotch).

    What's your point?



    True enough Viviane..

    I`m just waking up..LOL!!..Coffee..I need Coffee!..


    My apologies DOT..

    Yes its an oxymoron..Someone angry with God couldn`t possibly be a non Believer..

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