Please a dilemma..

by crazyhorse 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • crazyhorse

    Please help with this: when I was in college, there was a lot of talk about university and how all who pursue that are wasting their time and all that. Even before going to uni, there was a lot of pressurr on me concerning my decision. During that time, two elders sat with me for appointment as MS and asked me if I have freedom of speech in the org since I'm going to uni and I said no. They asked if I will stop school and be appointed or continue and not be appointed . I said no , I don't want to be appointed.

    Now, after I have completed I am being followed and being told to "always do more" to get qualified for MS.

    I have already made up my mind that I don't want any appointment.

    Now the pressure is on: from my family, elders, the last "full potential" study article ; to be a MS because "its a good work" ( I don't want to get involved with positions in the WT)... I feel so repressed.

    What should I do?

  • konceptual99

    Fade away. I wish I had seen the errors in the org before I got appointed.

  • Balaamsass2

    Travel, get a job, and move.

  • Fernando

    Maybe something like: "I'm leaving this matter in Jehovah's hands for now and request you do the same."

    And always remember to NEVER touch their IDOLS (GB, Org, FDS, and so on) if you do not want to be "killed" (df'd).

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    You've absolutely made the right decision to not be a MS.

    You've got to be smarter than your stupid JW parents and elders and relatives putting the dumb-ass guilt-trip on you. Don't be another victim of the Watchtower's false promises and empty lies. They've been manipulatively telling parents and children since the 1920's that Armageddon was close and to not have children, pursue higher education, etc, etc. Just so much self-serving propaganda and rot to further the ends of the Watchtower $$$ corporation.

    This is a conscienceless, soul-sucking organisation that wants YOUR youth like a vampire wants your soul. They want your voluntary time and slave labour to further its own marketing, property development and $$$ donations gathering global works programme, while sacrificing your own youth and talent and career.

    You know better than them. Feel sorry for them. Just ignore them, let their pressure and brainwashed emotional blackmail tricks roll off of you like water off a duck's back.


    ps - I'm in my late 40's and was a born-in JW. I was an A grade high school student who forsook University under the hypnotic influence of JW brainwashing and have regretted it ever since.

  • krejames

    What everyone else said. I was a MS for two years before fading. Unfortunately for me they just sprang it on me on the night it was announced even when I had ignored their pleas to shave off my beard so I could be appointed. It will be a weight around your neck unless you really believe it all.

  • crazyhorse

    Thanks for your replies. Yes, this is a conscienceless org to the very core. They tell you God gave us the gift of freewill but in reality you are told what to do and given no other choices. I'm only in my early 20s. I want to serve God in christian freedom not bound in endless organizational procedures to slave for the WT. I have no desire in proving my righteousness in front of people through the "priviledge- branded" position of MS and elder and the likes..

    I wish I could fade away but the cost will be too great. I love my family and friends so much to see them detest me for fading. Maybe when I'm independent I may do that but that's in the future.

    ..and my parents aren't stupid. I understand why you say that. They are just under an illusion which they might never recover from.

    PS:/ my whole family is JW. Just think about it. All these people watching me. Ugh such an illusion they're under

  • Perry

    crazyhourse, I made the same decision and have not regretted it. I have many other regrets, but this is not one of them. I am a 4th gen born-in.

  • defender of truth
  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Don't forget the scripture about being an overseer says "if any man is DESIROUS of fine work.." it'd not automatic that once you become a certain age or ability you get appointed, you've got to want to.

    just tell them that this is a big factor to you personally, you're praying for the desire, for the right attitude, and you're leaving it with jehovah. They'll get back to you every six months but stick to your guns and they'll get the message...

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